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[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS Experience - Save the date

Dear TRNSYS users,

On may 2015, 28th & 29th in Nancy (FRANCE), ICSEED, in partnership with various universities of the Greater-Region (ULg, Uni.Lu, UL), will organize an international TRNSYS seminar dedicated to experiences with TRNSYS and user exchange.

Discover main topics and call for presentations on: http://trnsysexperience.icseed.com 

More information of the event will be released for the 15th January.

Main ideas of this seminar are presenting case studies, improving user exchange in our area, and promoting TRNSYS as a powerful tool for research & engineering. Case studies would be oriented on applied research and experience.

We would be very pleased if you would participate within our event.

Samuel Hennaut
Chercheur - Doctorant

Université de Liège - Arlon Campus Environnement
Département Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement
Equipe BEMS - Building Energy Monitoring and Simulation
185, Avenue de Longwy
B-6700 ARLON

  Tel: 32-(0)63-230 948
  Fax: 32-(0)63 230 800
  email: shennaut@ulg.ac.be
  WEB: http://www.bems.ulg.ac.be/