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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Creating new compoment, system cannot find the file specified, Intel Visual Fortran

  The *.dsp file can be ignored. The method that I would recommend is to open the IVF solution (compile project) found in ..\Trnsys17\Compilers\IvfCXE2011\IvfCXE2011.sln. One of the three projects in the solution is called MyType. Right click on the MyType project in the solution explorer on the right. Select "Add: Existing Item" from the context menu and add the *.for file that was exported from the Studio. When you build or rebuild the project a file called MyType.dll will be created and will contain your component. Make sure that you are compiling in the appropriate mode (debug or release) to match the TRNDll (probably release). You can check which mode TRNDll is in by running a simulation and looking at the early notices written in the *.log file.
Kind regards,

On 11/5/2014 18:30, Wenye Lin wrote:

Hi, there:


I got some problem in creating a new component by TRNSYS17. When I exported a new component as Fortran, it showed that "the system cannot find the file specified".


I do install Intel Visual Fortran XE2015 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (shell) in my computer. I checked the files created by TRNSYS, there were a .for file, and a .dsp file which I guessed can be opened by Visual Fortran. However, when I tried to open the .dsp file by Visual Fortran manually, the Visual Fortran cannot read the .dsp file. How to cope with the problem?



I checked the ​Fortran environment in TRNSYS17 (File\Setting\Directories\Fortran environment), and the Fortran environment was "C:\Program  Files\...\Common\dfdev.exe". It seemed that the installation path of my Visual Fortran was not installed in the path. (According to the TRNSYS17 documentation 01 Getting start, Visual Fortran should be installed in the path). Then I tried to change the environment to the actual path where my Visual Fortran was installed, however, I could not fine the so call "dfdev.exe" file.


Could you give me some advices about the disturbing problem?


William Lin
PhD candidate; Tel: (+61)0452462323
Sustainable Buildings Research Centre (SBRC)
Innovation Campus, University of Wollongong, NSW, 2500

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