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[TRNSYS-users] (no subject)

Dear users,

Could you please advise how to calculate heat demand of the building, using type 56 and TrnSYS simulation studio. 

I use the example of the building project in TRNSYS 16. 
I followed the guide 06 for Multizone building and as result I have all zones temperatures shown on the graphs.
I tried to add a new equation to perform calculation of the heat demand, however it doesn't work (and no graphs). 

I have the second scheme for thermal solar system (water and space heating). I was planning to use results of the building project (heat demand) in order to find out how many percent can be covered by solar system. 

I've attached my schemes. By running the simulation you can see that some graphs are not shown, and I don't understand why. If you have any comments, please let me know. 

Thank you in advance,
I will be appreciated for any help.

Attachment: Wizard2.tpf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Combisystem with CPC_2.TPF
Description: Binary data