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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Trnsys 17 - GenOpt

Dear Ines,

I agree with Jeff. It seems that you have a problem with the path definition of the external files in your .dck file... I had a similar example with finding the weather file I'm using... I'm writing the code here below (only the part related to type 109, copied from the .dck file):


* Model "Type109-TMY2" (Type 109)

UNIT 4 TYPE 109  Type109-TMY2
*$UNIT_NAME Type109-TMY2
*$MODEL .\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\TMY2\Type109-TMY2.tmf
*$POSITION 201 274
*$LAYER Weather - Data Files # 
2 ! 1 Data Reader Mode
302 ! 2 Logical unit
4 ! 3 Sky model for diffuse radiation
1 ! 4 Tracking mode
0,0 ! [unconnected] Ground reflectance
0,0 ! [unconnected] Slope of surface-1
0,0 ! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-1
0,0 ! [unconnected] Slope of surface-2
0,0 ! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-2
0,0 ! [unconnected] Slope of surface-3
0,0 ! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-3
0,0 ! [unconnected] Slope of surface-4
0,0 ! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-4
0.2 90 180 90 0 90 -90 90 90 
*** External files
ASSIGN "IT-Palermo-Point-Raisi-164050.tm2" 302
*|? Weather data file |1000

The problem was in the red highlighted part... The corrected path I used afterwards is here below:

ASSIGN "C:\Program Files\Trnsys16\Examples\TRIAL02\IT-Palermo-Point-Raisi-164050.tm2" 302

Also, I would recommend you check out the master thesis attached... It helped a lot with initiating my first GenOpt Trials.

I hope this helps, please let me know if it works... I'm currently working on a case sensitivity analysis and I'm trying to get the results in terms of the MRT, PMV and PPD... I'm a bit stuck in how to show/post-process the huge number of results, so I'm trying to see as many cases as possible to get inspired.

Best of Luck,

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jeff Thornton <thornton@tess-inc.com> wrote:
Check the paths to all of your external files.  The GenOpt program moves the decks to a temporary directory and if you have relative paths in your project, and not the full path location, the program will not be able to find the files.

Jeff Thornton

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 29, 2014, at 8:07 AM, Ines Khalifa <khalifa_ines@hotmail.fr> wrote:


Thank you for your quick answer.
When running GenOpt, four folders are created named "tmp-genopt-run-1 / 2 / 3 / 4", into each one, there is a log file (here below).
As you can see, there is no error message in the log file, what i have attached at first time was the pop message of the error.


            TRNSYS - the TRaNsient SYstem Simulation program

   The Solar Energy Lab at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Le Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment, Sophia Antipolis, France
           Transsolar Energietechnik GmBH, Stuttgart, Germany
        Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC, Madison Wisconsin, USA

                           Release 17.00.0019

Simulation log for: "C:\Trnsys17\Examples\genopt-type56--3\tmp-genopt-run-2\GenOptRun.dck"
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : The TRNSYS Executable (TRNExe.exe) and main DLL (TRNDll.dll) are located in "C:\Trnsys17\Exe"
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     :   208
    TRNSYS Message     75 : The Type referenced below requires descriptors instead of initial values.
    Reported information  : Type 208
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     :   535
    TRNSYS Message     75 : The Type referenced below requires descriptors instead of initial values.
    Reported information  : Type 535
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     :   580
    TRNSYS Message     76 : The following Type has been identified as allowing the unit specifications (kg/h for example) after the input specifications and intial values for the inputs.  The critical parameter number, and the value of this critical parameter that indicates that the units will be supplied is also listed.  This information was retrieved from the VarUnits.dat file loacted in the \Exe directory of your TRNSYS 16 installation.
    Reported information  : Type 580, Critical Parameter 11, Parameter Value 1
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     :   580
    TRNSYS Message     88 : The following Type has been identified as allowing FORMAT statements.  This information was retrieved from the Formats.dat file loacted in the \Exe directory of your TRNSYS 16 installation.
    Reported information  : Type 580
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    TRNSYS Message     90 : TRNDll.dll is compiled in release mode. External DLLs will be loaded from the .\UserLib\ReleaseDLLs\ directory.
    Reported information  : Not available
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : The following Types were loaded from TRNDll.dll: Type34, Type28, Type65, Type56, Type69, Type109, Type33
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : "FileReader.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file.
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : "type127.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file.
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : "Type157_demo_release.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file.
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : "Type76Lib.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file.
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : "type79-W.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file.
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : "Type79Lib.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file.
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : "Type82Lib.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file.
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    Message               : "Type98Lib.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file.
*** Notice at time        :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
    TRNSYS Message    199 : TRNSYS found at least one user DLL in the UserLib directory. (Note: Only DLL's including Types that are used in the simulation are loaded)
    Reported information  : 0 user DLLs were loaded after searching in "C:\Trnsys17\UserLib\ReleaseDLLs"

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:45:07 +0200
From: amr.alaaeldin@polimi.it
To: trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org
CC: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Trnsys 17 - GenOpt

Dear Ines,
I have only worked with GenOpt + Trnsys 16... I heard that the steps are the same, but I'm not sure...

Where did you get this error message from? I don't think I ever saw such an error message...

What I know is that you see the errors in a file called "Genopt.log"... Actually it might have a different name, but the extension is ".log".
If you open this file you can see the error... 

Can you please check for that file and let me know if you found it and if the error is more clear?

Best of luck,

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Ines Khalifa <khalifa_ines@hotmail.fr> wrote:
Dear all,

I am trying to reproduce the example of the document "Using GenOpt with Trnsys 16 and Type56" using Trnsys 17. I set the geometry mode at Manual since the window height have to be modified by GenOpt. I get the Error messages below.
Any idea about what can be the source of the error ?


TRNSYS-users mailing list

Amr Alaaeldin Elesawy

PhD Student | Building Engineering
Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (A.B.C.)
Politecnico di Mil
ano, Italy

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TRNSYS-users mailing list

TRNSYS-users mailing list

Amr Alaaeldin Elesawy

PhD Student | Building Engineering
Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (A.B.C.)
Politecnico di Mil
ano, Italy
+39 327 056 0018