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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Battery discharge question/help!


  The battery charges and discharges as a function of the power being put into it and the power being removed from it. The power (or current) in and out of the battery is an input to the model so if you want to make sure that discharge occurs starting at 17:00 you need to change whatever component is computing the load on the battery so that the battery only starts supplying the load after 17:00. I believe that the charge controller uses whatever renewable power is available to meet the load first and then begins to discharge the battery if there is a deficit. What you are seeing suggests that as of 14:00, there is not enough power from the PV to fully meet the load and that the battery must begin supplying power. If you want this to start happening later then you need to do something to make sure that the PV can supply sufficient power to meet the load between 14:00 and 17:00.

Kind regards,






On 2014-06-26 09:10, Daniel Tallos wrote:

Hi all,


I have a simple question which is fairly urgent and am wondering who can help.


I am using an Inverter (Type48b) and battery (Type47a) within a PV and battery solar system and wish to know if I can select WHEN battery discharge occurs. 


I have attached an image of the graph output from TRNSYS, with the BLUE line showing the battery output, negative clearly indicating the discharge at 14:00 hours.


I wish to be able to discharge the battery starting at 17:00 instead. IS this possible????



Thankyou very much in advance,



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