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[TRNSYS-users] Wrong balances using Heatpump(Type401), Storage (Type4a), Radiator (Type361)

Dear TRNSYS-Users,


I’m using a Heatpump model (Type401) with a storage (Type4a) for a heating simulation with a building (Type56). First, I just used a floor heating with an active layer to connect the heat output of the storage to Type56. Right now I’ve changed this and I implemented a Radiator (Type361). Now I have the problem that the energy balances disagree. While the energy output of the heat pump is app. 15000 kWh the energy to the building is app 11000 kWh. I’m also confused about the output values of the storage, where “Energy to load” is 11000 kWh and “Energy from source” is 15000 kWh, but the “heat losses” and the “internal energy change” of the storage are less then 500 kWh.  


Thank you in advance!



Lukas Spitalny


Research Associate


TU Dortmund University

Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics

Emil-Figge-Str. 68

44227 Dortmund


Phone: +49 (0)231 / 755-4305

Fax: +49 (0)231 / 755-4338

Mail: lukas.spitalny@tu-dortmund.de




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