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[TRNSYS-users] A few questions about Type 941

Dear David and all users,

Thanks for your time.

I have a few questions about air-to-water heat pump type 941.

I have the weather generator connected with the type 941 which Percent Relative Humidity ( type 54) is linked with Inlet Air %RH (type 941). Is this correct? I believe I have inputted the accurate monthly humidity ratio as required in weather generator (Type 54), however, the output of Percent Relative humidity looks quite small (less than 20%). I don't think that's correct though.

From my understanding that the Type 941 neglect the effect of humidity effect. However, as I read the proforma of this component, it does state that Type 941 takes either relative humidity or humidity ratio as an input. so is the relative humidity actually taking into consideration in the simulation/calculation?

The catalog provided for Type 941 is a generic catalog for this type of heat pump as I assumed. Has it taken into consideration of defroze of evaporate coil? It will be great if this is the case. 

Thank you very much for your help. It is very important for me.

Kind regards,

Zhe Li

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