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[TRNSYS-users] Fw: Genopt help..

On Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:03 AM, Arman Malik <sunnytichkule@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hello sir..I am mechnaical enigneering student..i m using trnopt for optimization..I am using collector area as changing variable..and COP of absorption chiller as Objective function.. but the problem is genopt gives the following error at end.
Error in searching for the objective function value: 
  The objective function value could not be found.
  - Check the optimization ini file for
    the prober value of SimOutputFile.
  - Check the SimOutputFile for the prober
  - Check the optimization configuration file for
    the prober value of the objective function delimiter.
    Objective function delimiter is 'Variable Value 001 ='.

GenOpt terminated with error.
See logfile for further information.
But if i remove the delimiter of area..genopt starts plotting the result..i have attched files of it...I dont konw what's worng..Either I have not connected collector area with equation box in trnsys project file or what??

Attachment: genopt.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: Trnopt.jpg
Description: JPEG image