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[TRNSYS-users] Type 604 - end of time step

Dear TRNSYS users,
I encountered a problem when using type 604 of the TESS libraries. Debugging showed that for me the code section in line 62 which stores the final temperatures in the static array is never reached as getIsEndOfTimeStep is always false. As a consequence the pipes received the initial temperature of 20°C for every time step. Instead of getIsEndOTimeStep I used getIsConvergenceReached. Is this correct (the results seem to indicate this) or does another solution exist? Has anybody else encountered the same problem in the past?
Thank you in advance, regards

Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Schimpf

T +49 (234) 32 ? 26 390

Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum

F +49 (234) 32 ? 14 163

Fakultaet Maschinenbau (Fak. MB)


Lehrstuhl fuer Thermodynamik


Universitaetsstrasse 150

thermologo neu


Gebaeude IC, Ebene 3, Raum 3/147

44780 Bochum