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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 155-yearly schedules

Dear Sihem,

I have had the exact same scenario in the past (stochastic occupancy from Type 155 for simulation in Type 56).

Step 1: In TRNBUILD, for each building zone (or for all zones), you change the input type for occupant internal gains from "Constant" or "Schedule" to "Input". This assigns a new input variable to the Type 56 component in TRNSYS.
Step 2: In Simulation Studio, connect the corresponding output from Type 155 to the new input you created for Type 56.
Step 3: Repeat for all other required zones.

As I wrote this, I just saw David Bradley's response, which is helpful.


Adam Rysanek, BASc, MScE, PhD
Research Associate

Energy Efficient Cities initiative | EECi
Department of Engineering
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From: TASCA-GUERNOUTI Sihem - CEREMA/DTerOuest/DVT/BATEN <Sihem.Tasca-guernouti@developpement-durable.gouv.fr>
Organization: CEREMA/DTerOuest/DVT/BATEN
Reply-To: "TRNSYS users mailing list at the Solar Energy Lab, UW-Madison" <trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 18:00:16 +0100
To: <trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu>
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Type 155-yearly schedules

I'm modelling a building using type 56 and the occupancy schedule with matlab (stochastic model for occupancy). The occupancy vary through the year for each zone and each occupant.
I get the number of occupants per zone from TRNSYS to calculate the probabilities of presence in Type 155. The yearly  occupancy schedule (8760 values)  is an output of Type 155. Is there any way for including this schedule in Trsnys as an input?
Thanks for any advice you can give.
Best regards

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