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Re: [TRNSYS-users] operative temperature

There is an ISO 7730 norm with Algorithm to do this. If TrnSys can calc OT, then it would use the ISO.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen- Sent from my iPhone (excuse the brevity)

i. A.
Jean Marais
b.i.g. bechtold
Tel.   +49 30 6706662-23

On 02.12.2013, at 11:58, Angel Carrera <angel.carrera@aiguasol.coop> wrote:


i am not completely sure, but i guess is only air and surface temperature. As the radiant temperature is dependent on the view factor of the surface, and internal gains have no surface associated it can't be taken into account directly in the calculation of operative temperature


2013/12/2 Karol Bandurski <karol.bandurski@put.poznan.pl>



Thanks for this tips, your PhD is helpful.


But now I would like what is TRNSYS code – which way does TRNSYS calculate operative temperature?

Does program take into account also heat gain in the zone or only surfaces and air temperature?




From: leen peeters [mailto:l.f.r.peeters@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 9:43 PM
To: TRNSYS users mailing list at the Solar Energy Lab, UW-Madison
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] operative temperature




that depends on the viewfactors. the operative temperature sensed by a person depends on his/her location in a room.

If you check the book of Ole Fanger, you will be able to find that explanation. A part of it, specifically applied to a radiator case is also in my PhD.


If the 'radiating object' is close to a person and the location of the person in the zone is thus clearly defined, his/her actual thermal sensation will be influenced by the radiating object in case it is large enough or the temperature is high enough.


However, the added value of a detailed calculation is limited in case the real life scenario would be one where furniture is blocking the viewfactors between radiating object and person.









On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Karol Bandurski <karol.bandurski@put.poznan.pl> wrote:

Dear All,


Do you know which objects are taken into account in operative temperature calculation?


Air, walls, floor, ceiling for sure, but for example radiative heat gain that is modeled in zone?


I will be grateful for any comments!






Karol Bandurski MSc.

Institute of Environmental Engineering

Poznan University of Technology




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