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[TRNSYS-users] zone with large openings. calculating air flow through the zone

Hello users.


I would like to model a zone with 2  large openings, one in the south façade and other in the north, modeling the zone in TRNBUILD and without TRNFLOW available  (I think it would be the best option), how I can estimate air flow though the zone?...

Any comment will be appreciated.








Juan Francisco Belmonte Toledo

Dpto. de Mecánica Aplicada e Ing. de Proyectos

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales

Campus Universitario s/n, 02071, Albacete

Tfno: 967599200-ext:2399


Instituto de Investigación en Energías Renovables

Sección de Eficiencia Energética y Sistemas Térmicos (ENERSYS)

C/ de la Investigación, s/n, 02071, Albacete

Tfno: 967599200-ext:8217
