PROJECT - Copy.tpf
Description: Binary data
VERSION 16 ******************************************************************************* *** TRNSYS input file (deck) generated by TrnsysStudio *** on Friday, July 12, 2013 at 15:19 *** from TrnsysStudio project: C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\project\PROJECT - Copy.tpf *** *** If you edit this file, use the File/Import TRNSYS Input File function in *** TrnsysStudio to update the project. *** *** If you have problems, questions or suggestions please contact your local *** TRNSYS distributor or *** ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *** Units ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *** Control cards ******************************************************************************* * START, STOP and STEP CONSTANTS 3 START=3624 STOP=5088 STEP=0.25 * User defined CONSTANTS * SIMULATION Start time End time Time step SIMULATION START STOP STEP * Integration Convergence TOLERANCES 0.001 0.001 * Max iterations Max warnings Trace limit LIMITS 30 30 30 * TRNSYS numerical integration solver method DFQ 1 * TRNSYS output file width, number of characters WIDTH 80 * NOLIST statement LIST * MAP statement MAP * Solver statement Minimum relaxation factor Maximum relaxation factor SOLVER 0 1 1 * DEBUG statement NAN_CHECK 0 OVERWRITE_CHECK 0 * EQUATION SOLVER statement EQSOLVER 1 * Model "Load profile" (Type 14) * UNIT 9 TYPE 14 Load profile *$UNIT_NAME Load profile *$MODEL .\Utility\Forcing Functions\General\TYPE14h.tmf *$POSITION 99 501 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 28 * 1 Initial value of time 0 * 2 Initial value of function 0 * 3 Time at point-1 7 * 4 Value at point -1 0 * 5 Time at point-2 7 * 6 Value at point -2 0.000056 * 7 Time at point-3 9 * 8 Value at point -3 0.000056 * 9 Time at point-4 9 * 10 Value at point -4 0 * 11 Time at point-5 11 * 12 Value at point -5 0 * 13 Time at point-6 11 * 14 Value at point -6 0.000028 * 15 Time at point-7 13 * 16 Value at point -7 0.000028 * 17 Time at point-8 13 * 18 Value at point -8 0 * 19 Time at point-9 18 * 20 Value at point -9 0 * 21 Time at point-10 18 * 22 Value at point -10 0.000028 * 23 Time at point-11 22 * 24 Value at point -11 0.000028 * 25 Time at point-12 22 * 26 Value at point -12 0 * 27 Time at point-13 24 * 28 Value at point -13 0 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "Daily load" * EQUATIONS 2 mdDHW = [9,1] * 200 ! Multiply by daily consumption TCold = 15 *$UNIT_NAME Daily load *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 235 501 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Weather" (Type 109) * UNIT 2 TYPE 109 Weather *$UNIT_NAME Weather *$MODEL .\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\TMY2\Type109-TMY2.tmf *$POSITION 103 129 *$LAYER Weather / Data Files # PARAMETERS 4 * 1 Data Reader Mode 2 * 2 Logical unit 36 * 3 Sky model for diffuse radiation 4 * 4 Tracking mode 1 INPUTS 3 * [unconnected] Ground reflectance 0,0 * [unconnected] Slope of surface 0,0 * [unconnected] Azimuth of surface 0,0 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.2 45 0 *** External files ASSIGN "..\..\Weather\Meteonorm\Europe\CH-Zuerich-Kloten-66700.tm2" 36 *|? Weather data file |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Collectors" (Type 71) * UNIT 3 TYPE 71 Collectors *$UNIT_NAME Collectors *$MODEL .\Solar Thermal Collectors\HeatPipe Collector\Type71b.tmf *$POSITION 440 209 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 11 * 1 Number in series 1 * 2 Collector area 5 * 3 Fluid specific heat 4.19 * 4 Efficiency mode 1 * 5 Flow rate at test conditions 3 * 6 Intercept efficiency 0.8 * 7 Negative of first order efficiency coeficient 10 * 8 Negative of second order efficiency coeficient 0.03 * 9 Logical unit of file containing biaxial IAM data 39 * 10 Number of longitudinal angles for which IAMs are provided 5 * 11 Number of transverse angles for which IAMs are provided 5 INPUTS 10 * TYPE5g:Cold-side outlet temperature ->Inlet temperature 19,3 * TYPE5g:Cold-side flow rate ->Inlet flowrate 19,4 * Weather:Ambient temperature ->Ambient temperature 2,1 * Weather:total radiation on tilted surface ->Incident radiation 2,18 * Weather:sky diffuse radiation on tilted surface ->Incident diffuse radiation 2,20 * Weather:angle of incidence for tilted surface ->Solar incidence angle 2,22 * Weather:solar zenith angle ->Solar zenith angle 2,10 * Weather:solar azimuth angle ->Solar azimuth angle 2,11 * Weather:slope of tilted surface ->Collector slope 2,23 * [unconnected] Collector azimuth 0,0 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 20 100 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *** External files ASSIGN "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trnsys16\Examples\Data Files\Type71b-HeatPipeSolarCollector-IAMData.dat" 39 *|? What file contains the 2D IAM data? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Pump" (Type 110) * UNIT 4 TYPE 110 Pump *$UNIT_NAME Pump *$MODEL .\Hydronics\Pumps\Variable Speed\Type110.tmf *$POSITION 310 265 *$LAYER Main # *$# VARIABLE-SPEED PUMP PARAMETERS 6 * 1 Rated flow rate 1000.0 * 2 Fluid specific heat 4.19 * 3 Rated power 2684.0 * 4 Motor heat loss fraction 0.0 * 5 Number of power coefficients 1 * 6 Power coefficient 1.8 INPUTS 5 * Tank:Temperature of outlet flow 1 ->Inlet fluid temperature 7,5 * Tank:Flowrate at outlet 1 ->Inlet fluid flow rate 7,2 * Type2b:Output control function ->Control signal 6,1 * [unconnected] Total pump efficiency 0,0 * [unconnected] Motor efficiency 0,0 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 20 0.0 1 0.6 0.9 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Type2b" (Type 2) * UNIT 6 TYPE 2 Type2b *$UNIT_NAME Type2b *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 136 285 *$LAYER Controls # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 * 1 No. of oscillations 5 * 2 High limit cut-out 100.0 INPUTS 6 * Collectors:Outlet temperature ->Upper input temperature Th 3,1 * Tank:Temperature of outlet flow 1 ->Lower input temperature Tl 7,5 * Tank:Tank temperature at outlet of heat exchanger ->Monitoring temperature Tin 7,24 * Type2b:Output control function ->Input control function 6,1 * [unconnected] Upper dead band dT 0,0 * [unconnected] Lower dead band dT 0,0 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 20.0 20 20 0 10.0 2.0 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Tank" (Type 60) * UNIT 7 TYPE 60 Tank *$UNIT_NAME Tank *$MODEL .\Thermal Storage\Detailed Fluid Storage Tank\Horizontal Cylinder\Non-Uniform Losses and Heights\1 Inlet, 1 Outlet\TYPE60m.tmf *$POSITION 287 399 *$LAYER Water Loop # PARAMETERS 56 * 1 User-specified inlet positions 2 * 2 Tank volume 0.3 * 3 Tank height 1.25 * 4 Horizontal cylinder -2 * 5 Height of flow inlet 1 1.25 * 6 Height of flow outlet 1 0.0 * 7 Not used (inlet 2) -1 * 8 Not used (outlet 2) -1 * 9 Fluid specific heat 4.19 * 10 Fluid density 1000 * 11 Tank loss coefficient 2.5 * 12 Fluid thermal conductivity 1.40 * 13 Destratification conductivity 0.0 * 14 Boiling temperature 100.0 * 15 Auxiliary heater mode 1 * 16 Height of 1st aux. heater 1.0 * 17 Height of 1st thermostat 1.25 * 18 Set point temperature for element 1 55.0 * 19 Deadband for heating element 1 5.0 * 20 Maximum heating rate of element 1 16200.0 * 21 Height of heating element 2 1 * 22 Height of thermostat 2 1 * 23 Set point temperature for element 2 55.0 * 24 Deadband for heating element 2 5.0 * 25 Maximum heating rate of element 2 16200 * 26 Overall loss coefficient for gas flue 0.0 * 27 Flue temperature 20.0 * 28 Fraction of critical timestep 6 * 29 Gas heater? 0 * 30 Number of internal heat exchangers 1 * 31 Node heights supplied 1 * 32 Additional loss coeff's supplied 1 * 33 HX Fluid Indicator 1 * 34 Fraction of glycol 0.75 * 35 Heat exchanger inside diameter 0.01 * 36 Heat exchanger outside diameter 0.012 * 37 Heat exchanger fin diameter 0.012 * 38 Total surface area of heat exchanger 1.0 * 39 Fins per meter for heat exchanger 100 * 40 Heat exchanger length 2.0 * 41 Heat exchanger wall conductivity 1.40 * 42 Heat exchanger material conductivity 1.40 * 43 Height of heat exchanger inlet 0.00 * 44 Height of heat exchanger outlet 1.25 * 45 Height of node -1 1.25 * 46 Additional loss coefficient for node -1 0.00 * 47 Height of node -2 1.25 * 48 Additional loss coefficient for node -2 0.00 * 49 Height of node -3 1.25 * 50 Additional loss coefficient for node -3 0.00 * 51 Height of node -4 1.25 * 52 Additional loss coefficient for node -4 0.00 * 53 Height of node -5 1.25 * 54 Additional loss coefficient for node -5 0.00 * 55 Height of node -6 1.25 * 56 Additional loss coefficient for node -6 0.00 INPUTS 13 * TYPE5g:Hot-side flow rate ->Flow rate at inlet 1 19,2 * [unconnected] Flow rate at outlet 1 0,0 * [unconnected] Not used (flow inlet 2) 0,0 * [unconnected] Not used (flow outlet 2) 0,0 * TYPE5g:Hot-side outlet temperature ->Temperature at inlet 1 19,1 * [unconnected] Not used (temp inlet 2) 0,0 * [unconnected] Environment temperature 0,0 * [unconnected] Control signal for element 1 0,0 * [unconnected] Control signal for element 2 0,0 * Diverter:Flowrate at outlet 1 ->Flow rate for heat exchanger 11,2 * Diverter:Temperature at outlet 1 ->Inlet temperature for heat exchanger 11,1 * [unconnected] Nusselt constant for heat exchanger 0,0 * [unconnected] Nusselt exponent for heat exchanger 0,0 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0 -2 -1 -1 20.0 20.0 20 1.0 1.0 0.0 20.0 0.50 0.25 DERIVATIVES 1 * 1 Initial temperature of node 60 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Plotter 1" (Type 65) * UNIT 5 TYPE 65 Plotter 1 *$UNIT_NAME Plotter 1 *$MODEL .\Output\Online Plotter\Online Plotter With File\No Units\Type65c.tmf *$POSITION 723 125 *$LAYER Outputs # PARAMETERS 12 * 1 Nb. of left-axis variables 2 * 2 Nb. of right-axis variables 2 * 3 Left axis minimum 0 * 4 Left axis maximum 150 * 5 Right axis minimum 0 * 6 Right axis maximum 5000 * 7 Number of plots per simulation 1 * 8 X-axis gridpoints 7 * 9 Shut off Online w/o removing 0 * 10 Logical Unit for output file 35 * 11 Output file units 0 * 12 Output file delimiter 0 INPUTS 4 * Pump:Outlet fluid temperature ->Left axis variable-1 4,1 * Collectors:Outlet temperature ->Left axis variable-2 3,1 * Weather:total radiation on tilted surface ->Right axis variable-1 2,18 * Collectors:Outlet flowrate ->Right axis variable-2 3,2 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES TiColl ToColl GColl mdColl LABELS 3 "Temperatures" "Heat transfer rates" "Weather - Solar Loop" *** External files ASSIGN "***.plt" 35 *|? What file should the online print to? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Plotter 2" (Type 65) * UNIT 8 TYPE 65 Plotter 2 *$UNIT_NAME Plotter 2 *$MODEL .\Output\Online Plotter\Online Plotter With File\No Units\Type65c.tmf *$POSITION 722 399 *$LAYER Outputs # PARAMETERS 12 * 1 Nb. of left-axis variables 7 * 2 Nb. of right-axis variables 4 * 3 Left axis minimum 0 * 4 Left axis maximum 100 * 5 Right axis minimum 0 * 6 Right axis maximum 10000 * 7 Number of plots per simulation 1 * 8 X-axis gridpoints 7 * 9 Shut off Online w/o removing 0 * 10 Logical Unit for output file 37 * 11 Output file units 0 * 12 Output file delimiter 0 INPUTS 11 * Tank:Temperature of outlet flow 1 ->Left axis variable-1 7,5 * Tank:Temperature of node 1+-1 ->Left axis variable-2 7,29 * Tank:Temperature of node 1+-2 ->Left axis variable-3 7,30 * Tank:Temperature of node 1+-3 ->Left axis variable-4 7,31 * Tank:Temperature of node 1+-4 ->Left axis variable-5 7,32 * Tank:Tank temperature at outlet of heat exchanger ->Left axis variable-6 7,24 * Tee piece:Outlet temperature ->Left axis variable-7 12,1 * Tank:Auxiliary heating rate ->Right axis variable-1 7,12 * Tee piece:Outlet flow rate ->Right axis variable-2 12,2 * Diverter:Flowrate at outlet 1 ->Right axis variable-3 11,2 * Diverter:Flow rate at outlet 2 ->Right axis variable-4 11,4 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES TTop T2 T3 T4 T5 TBottom TDHW QAux mdDHW mdTank mdByPass LABELS 3 "Temperatures" "Heat transfer rates" "Tank" *** External files ASSIGN "***.pl2" 37 *|? What file should the online print to? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Diverter" (Type 11) * UNIT 11 TYPE 11 Diverter *$UNIT_NAME Diverter *$MODEL .\Hydronics\Tempering Valve\Other Fluids\Type11b.tmf *$POSITION 539 501 *$LAYER Weather - Data Files # PARAMETERS 2 * 1 Tempering valve mode 4 * 2 Nb. of oscillations allowed 7 INPUTS 4 * Daily load:TCold ->Inlet temperature TCold * Daily load:mdDHW ->Inlet flow rate mdDHW * Tank:Temperature of outlet flow 1 ->Heat source temperature 7,5 * [unconnected] Set point temperature 0,0 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 20.0 100.0 55.0 45 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Tee piece" (Type 11) * UNIT 12 TYPE 11 Tee piece *$UNIT_NAME Tee piece *$MODEL .\Hydronics\Tee-Piece\Other Fluids\Type11h.tmf *$POSITION 642 293 *$LAYER Water Loop # PARAMETERS 1 * 1 Tee piece mode 1 INPUTS 4 * Tank:Temperature of outlet flow 1 ->Temperature at inlet 1 7,5 * Tank:Flowrate at outlet 1 ->Flow rate at inlet 1 7,2 * Diverter:Temperature at outlet 2 ->Temperature at inlet 2 11,3 * Diverter:Flow rate at outlet 2 ->Flow rate at inlet 2 11,4 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 20.0 100.0 20.0 100.0 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Daily Integration" (Type 24) * UNIT 13 TYPE 24 Daily Integration *$UNIT_NAME Daily Integration *$MODEL .\Utility\Integrators\Quantity Integrator\TYPE24.tmf *$POSITION 101 590 *$LAYER Totals # PARAMETERS 2 * 1 Integration period 24 * 2 Relative or absolute start time 0 INPUTS 4 * Weather:total radiation on tilted surface ->Input to be integrated-1 2,18 * Tank:Energy supplied by inlet 1 ->Input to be integrated-2 7,8 * Tank:Energy removed by outlet 1 ->Input to be integrated-3 7,9 * Tank:Auxiliary heating rate ->Input to be integrated-4 7,12 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Simulation Integration" (Type 24) * UNIT 14 TYPE 24 Simulation Integration *$UNIT_NAME Simulation Integration *$MODEL .\Utility\Integrators\Quantity Integrator\TYPE24.tmf *$POSITION 94 665 *$LAYER Totals # PARAMETERS 2 * 1 Integration period STOP * 2 Relative or absolute start time 0 INPUTS 4 * Weather:total radiation on tilted surface ->Input to be integrated-1 2,18 * Tank:Energy supplied by inlet 1 ->Input to be integrated-2 7,8 * Tank:Energy removed by outlet 1 ->Input to be integrated-3 7,9 * Tank:Auxiliary heating rate ->Input to be integrated-4 7,12 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Daily Results" (Type 25) * UNIT 15 TYPE 25 Daily Results *$UNIT_NAME Daily Results *$MODEL .\Output\Printer\No Units\Type25c.tmf *$POSITION 508 593 *$LAYER Water Loop # PARAMETERS 10 * 1 Printing interval 24 * 2 Start time START * 3 Stop time STOP * 4 Logical unit 33 * 5 Units printing mode 0 * 6 Relative or absolute start time 0 * 7 Overwrite or Append -1 * 8 Print header -1 * 9 Delimiter 0 * 10 Print labels 1 INPUTS 6 * Daily Integration:Result of integration-1 ->Input to be printed-1 13,1 * Daily Integration:Result of integration-2 ->Input to be printed-2 13,2 * Daily Integration:Result of integration-3 ->Input to be printed-3 13,3 * Daily Integration:Result of integration-4 ->Input to be printed-4 13,4 * Efficiencies:EtaColl_d ->Input to be printed-5 EtaColl_d * Efficiencies:FSol_d ->Input to be printed-6 FSol_d *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES IColl QuColl QDHW QAux EtaColl_d FSol_d *** External files ASSIGN "Daily.txt" 33 *|? Which file should contain the printed results? You can use the deck filename by entering "***", e.g. "***.out", or "***.dat" |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "Efficiencies" * EQUATIONS 4 EtaColl_d = [13,2] / (5*[13,1]+1e-6) FSol_d = 1 - ( [13,4] / ([13,3] + 1e-6) ) EtaColl = [14,2] / (5*[14,1]+1e-6) FSol = 1 - ( [14,4] / ([14,3]+ 1e-6) ) *$UNIT_NAME Efficiencies *$LAYER Outputs *$POSITION 241 625 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Totals" (Type 25) * UNIT 18 TYPE 25 Totals *$UNIT_NAME Totals *$MODEL .\Output\Printer\No Units\Type25c.tmf *$POSITION 502 662 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 10 * 1 Printing interval STOP * 2 Start time STOP * 3 Stop time STOP * 4 Logical unit 34 * 5 Units printing mode 0 * 6 Relative or absolute start time 0 * 7 Overwrite or Append -1 * 8 Print header -1 * 9 Delimiter 0 * 10 Print labels 1 INPUTS 6 * Simulation Integration:Result of integration-1 ->Input to be printed-1 14,1 * Simulation Integration:Result of integration-2 ->Input to be printed-2 14,2 * Simulation Integration:Result of integration-3 ->Input to be printed-3 14,3 * Simulation Integration:Result of integration-4 ->Input to be printed-4 14,4 * Efficiencies:EtaColl ->Input to be printed-5 EtaColl * Efficiencies:FSol ->Input to be printed-6 FSol *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES IColl QuColl QDHW QAux EtaColl FSol *** External files ASSIGN "Totals.txt" 34 *|? Which file should contain the printed results? You can use the deck filename by entering "***", e.g. "***.out", or "***.dat" |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "TYPE5g" (Type 5) * UNIT 19 TYPE 5 TYPE5g *$UNIT_NAME TYPE5g *$MODEL .\Heat Exchangers\Shell and Tube\TYPE5g.tmf *$POSITION 520 285 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 4 * 1 Shell and Tube mode 7 * 2 Specific heat of hot side fluid 4.19 * 3 Specific heat of cold side fluid 4.19 * 4 Number of Shell Passes 0 INPUTS 5 * Collectors:Outlet temperature ->Hot side inlet temperature 3,1 * Collectors:Outlet flowrate ->Hot side flow rate 3,2 * Pump:Outlet fluid temperature ->Cold side inlet temperature 4,1 * Pump:Outlet flow rate ->Cold side flow rate 4,2 * [unconnected] Overall heat transfer coefficient of exchanger 0,0 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 20.0 100.0 20.0 100.0 10.0 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ END
Description: Binary data
TRNSYS - the TRaNsient SYstem Simulation program The Solar Energy Lab at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA Le Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment, Sophia Antipolis, France Transsolar Energietechnik GmBH, Stuttgart, Germany Thermal Energy System Specialists, Madison Wisconsin, USA Release 16.00.0037 Listing file for: "C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\project\SDHW.dck" *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : The TRNSYS Executable (TRNExe.exe) and main DLL (TRNDll.dll) are located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trnsys16\Exe" *** Pre-Processing the TRNSYS EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs to check for fatal errors. *** Pre-Processing of EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs completed with no fatal errors found. *** Evaluating the EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs to determine their initial values. *** Finished evaluating the EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs and ready to begin processing the remainder of the TRNSYS input file. VERSION 16 ******************************************************************************* *** TRNSYS input file (deck) generated by TrnsysStudio *** on Friday, July 12, 2013 at 15:19 *** from TrnsysStudio project: C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\project\PROJECT - Copy.tpf *** *** If you edit this file, use the File/Import TRNSYS Input File function in *** TrnsysStudio to update the project. *** *** If you have problems, questions or suggestions please contact your local *** TRNSYS distributor or *** ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *** Units ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *** Control cards ******************************************************************************* * START, STOP and STEP CONSTANTS 3 START=3624 STOP=5088 STEP=0.25 * User defined CONSTANTS * SIMULATION Start time End time Time step SIMULATION 3.6240000000000000E+03 5.0880000000000000E+03 2.5000000000000000E-01 * Integration Convergence TOLERANCES 1.0000000000000002E-03 1.0000000000000002E-03 * Max iterations Max warnings Trace limit LIMITS 30 30 31 * TRNSYS numerical integration solver method DFQ 1 * TRNSYS output file width, number of characters WIDTH 80 * NOLIST statement LIST * MAP statement MAP * Solver statement Minimum relaxation factor Maximum relaxation factor SOLVER 0 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 * DEBUG statement NAN_CHECK 0 OVERWRITE_CHECK 0 * EQUATION SOLVER statement EQUATION SOLVING METHOD 1 * Model "Load profile" (Type 14) * UNIT 9 TYPE 14 Load profile *$UNIT_NAME Load profile *$MODEL .\Utility\Forcing Functions\General\TYPE14h.tmf *$POSITION 99 501 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 28 * 1 Initial value of time * 2 Initial value of function * 3 Time at point-1 * 4 Value at point -1 * 5 Time at point-2 * 6 Value at point -2 * 7 Time at point-3 * 8 Value at point -3 * 9 Time at point-4 * 10 Value at point -4 * 11 Time at point-5 * 12 Value at point -5 * 13 Time at point-6 * 14 Value at point -6 * 15 Time at point-7 * 16 Value at point -7 * 17 Time at point-8 * 18 Value at point -8 * 19 Time at point-9 * 20 Value at point -9 * 21 Time at point-10 * 22 Value at point -10 * 23 Time at point-11 * 24 Value at point -11 * 25 Time at point-12 * 26 Value at point -12 * 27 Time at point-13 * 28 Value at point -13 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 7.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 7.0000000000000000E+00 5.6000000000000019E-05 9.0000000000000000E+00 5.6000000000000019E-05 9.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.1000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.1000000000000000E+01 2.8000000000000006E-05 1.3000000000000000E+01 2.8000000000000006E-05 1.3000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.8000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.8000000000000000E+01 2.8000000000000006E-05 2.2000000000000000E+01 2.8000000000000006E-05 2.2000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.4000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "Daily load" * EQUATIONS 2 ! Multiply by daily consumption mdDHW = [9,1] * 200 TCold = 15 *$UNIT_NAME Daily load *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 235 501 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Weather" (Type 109) * UNIT 2 TYPE 109 Weather *$UNIT_NAME Weather *$MODEL .\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\TMY2\Type109-TMY2.tmf *$POSITION 103 129 *$LAYER Weather / Data Files # PARAMETERS 4 * 1 Data Reader Mode * 2 Logical unit * 3 Sky model for diffuse radiation * 4 Tracking mode 2.0000000000000000E+00 3.6000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 3 * [unconnected] Ground reflectance * [unconnected] Slope of surface * [unconnected] Azimuth of surface CONST CONST CONST *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000001E-01 4.5000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 *** External files *** Fatal Error at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available TRNSYS Message 350 : Unable to open the file associated with an ASSIGNED logical unit number. Please check the ASSIGN statement and make sure that the file exists at the specified location Reported information : Logical Unit = 36, FileName = ..\..\Weather\Meteonorm\Europe\CH-Zuerich-Kloten-66700.tm2 ********************************************************************************************************* The Following UNIT Numbers, TYPE Numbers, and Logical Units Were Used in the Supplied TRNSYS Input File: 4 6 9 36 ********************************************************************************************************* Total TRNSYS Calculation Time: 0.9400 Seconds TRNSYS Time Breakdown by Unit Number TRNSYS Time Breakdown by Type Number Total Calculation Time Inside of the Types: 0.0000 Seconds TRNSYS Iterative Call Breakdown by Unit Number