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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Parameter identification.


Just to add up our 2 cents from our experience I will throw a few comments to David words.Two points, one on type 56, and other on model calibration.
For model calibration,we believe that in a complex model usually a couple of around 10 parameters explain well over 90 % of the variance of the model output. So, we opt for a computationally cheap technique for identifying those parameters (usually Morris method, modified by Campologno and Saltelli) to detect those. 
Once there, fitting thisd limited set is more or less simple; we feel comfortable with Wilmott sensitivity index instead of integrated values (we never worked with them, so we could be deeply wrong) as a cost function due to it accounts for temporary tendencies on model output. I have to say that we get modest statistical indices with this approach, but very good results when comparing integrated values. 

About managing the parametrics and type 56,for v16, there is a document by Michael Kummert that explains how to edit the bui file with Trnopt. However, we decided last year to develop an application to manage big parametric sets, to ease dck and bui generation together with output management, wich is the real issue to make feasible the process. At the end, as a friend showed us, the bui file is a plain text file. Detailled radiation mode can be a limitation to this task.
To sum up, we now routinely run tens of thousands of simulations editing the building, the thing is what you do with the results. I think my colleague Damien Tavan, in charge oh this work, already uploaded our tool in some freeware web (at your own risk), I will ask him to send the link to the list if I am right. I also recommend the site by Marcus Jones as a source for running TRNSYS in parallel processors, that is an additional issue when diving in this field.
Sorry if I've been unable to focus the answer, there are a lot of little things in this issue. Hope it helps! Best

BlackBerry de movistar, allí donde estés está tu oficin@

-----Original Message-----
From: David BRADLEY <d.bradley@tess-inc.com>
Sender: trnsys-users-bounces@cae.wisc.edu
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 13:38:01 
To: TRNSYS users mailing list at the Solar Energy Lab,	UW-Madison<trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu>
Reply-To: "TRNSYS users mailing list at the Solar Energy Lab,
	UW-Madison" <trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu>
Cc: Gossard, Didier<Didier.Gossard@saint-gobain.com>
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Parameter identification.

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