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[TRNSYS-users] From a TRNSYS 15 .for to a TRNSYS 16 .dll using g95


I am using g95 to compile a component source code .for, written for TRNSYS 15, to make it work with TRNSYS 16. TRNSYS 15 component .dll is not available. 

I am following the g95-TRNSYS tutorial available on the TRNSYS wesbite. I guess I can't skip the first steps (writing the code) and compile directly the .for file. I have noticed some changes between TRNSYS 15 and 16 .for files structure. What should I be careful to? 

Please find attached a skeleton of the TRNSYS 15 .for file to help you point out what should be modified and moved. 

Thanks in advance, 


INSA Lyon / Génie Energétique et Environnement
26160 Félines sur Rimandoule
Tél & Fax : 04 75 90 18 54
Courriel : damien.casetta@gmail.com
Site : www.enertech.fr

Attachment: Type81_structure.for~
Description: Binary data