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[TRNSYS-users] Type 335 AHU, problem with air conditioning modes

Dear TRNSYS users,
I've got a problem with TESS-Type 335: Manual says, that conditioning modes are selected by comparing T_SA,set and T_mixed (see manual 5.7.1 and 5.7.2). In my modell (see attachement) the comparison seemes to refer on T_SA,set and T_OA (instead of T_mixed), so that cooling mode is off when T_OA < T_SA,set. As a result T_SA,set is set as T_mixed (no cooling) instead of defined T_SUPP from equation (in may modell).

Heating and Cooling Power (Q_ht,HC and Q_cl,CC) refer to T_SUPP like described in manual, but air temperature from AHU to room (relevant output value) is wrong I would say.

If conditioning mode ist changed from 2 (cooling) to 3 (heating + cooling), this problem doesn't appear any longer.

Kind regards,
Markus Gratzl

ingenieurbüro gratzl e.u.
markus gratzl-michlmair
dipl.-ing. dr. techn.

ingenieurbüro (beratende ingenieure) für bauphysik
reischau 5 | a-4715 taufkirchen a.d. tr.
tel +43 7733 50281 | mobil +43 664 5131642
markus.gratzl@gratzl.co.at | http://energie.gratzl.co.at/
uid-nr atu 66951845 | FN 380717 d

Attachment: AHU.zip
Description: Zip archive