Dear Atta Ullah Sanai,
Thank you for contacting TESS Technical Support and providing your institutional information. Type107 only takes a specific set of performance data. There are a few different TESS Chiller models in the TESS Cogeneration and TESS HVAC Libraries as well that might fit the particular performance data of that model. Also, no source code compiling is necessary for the external performance data of these components. Also, I highly recommend that you read through the thread "Type 666 Chiller Queries" on the following page for excellent insight about the chiller models. Best regards, Matt Duffy
Technical Support Team
On 3/21/2013 8:19 AM, Atta Ullah Sanai wrote:Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC 22 N. Carroll St, Suite 370 Madison, WI 53703 TRNSYS on Facebook