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[TRNSYS-users] Error message - unit inconsistency

Dear all,

I have been running into this error message:

TRNSYS Message 25 : Error in determining the unit number specified in an EQUATION. To reference an OUTPUT in a TRNSYS EQUATION, both the UNIT number and OUTPUT number must be enclosed by square brackets and separated by a comma. For example [1,2]

I think this probably comes from the Equation I use to convert between humidity ratio and %RH (if the error message means something else please let me know). The conversion is necessary because the moist air flow mixer (type 11c) and moist air tee-piece (type 11g) that I'm using need humidity ratio as input/output but my TRNBuild component outputs %RH. Even though I use Equation to change the value, the unit is not changed and thus I am still connecting %RH output to humidity ratio input which causes the error. Does anyone know a way around this?

Thank you for your help in advance!


Raksit Pattanapitoon
Cornell University Mechanical Engineering 
B.S. 2012, M.Eng. 2013