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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Component Development

Title: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Component Development

I can’t help you on Visual FORTRAN, I can’t afford it – which is why I use gFortran !

You put your source code in the Typexxx.for  file.

I suggest that you look at the source code for another, simple, Trnsys  component – and together with the Programmers’s Guide you try to understand how the existing component worked. Then you can modify it or adapt it for your component. You have to read and understand the Programmer’s Guide very carefully  to see what happens with the different “calls” to your component, setup , initialisation, iteration etc etc....

Good luck


On 07/02/2013 08:56, "Florian Limmer" <flo.limmer@googlemail.com> wrote:

Dear TRNSYS users,

im so sorry to bother u again...

as i wrote before i am developing a new component for my bachelor thesis. 
As my atempts to compile my code with g95 compiler have failed, i can now use intel visual fortran. But i do not really understand the advices in the programmers guide.

where do i put my sourcecode?
what further steps do i have to do do use intel visual fortran to get the Dll for my type?

thanks a lot for every help

Florian Limmer

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