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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Water cooled chiller

  Unfortunately, there is no water cooled chiller model in the standard library. You will need to use Type42, which is a generic data interpolater, and you will need to find manufacturer's catalog data file and put the full and part load performance data from the catalog into the Type42 data file format. The cooling tower model should be no trouble; there is a cooling tower model in the standard library (Type51). There are a few cooling coil models in the standard library (Types32 and 52). I would recommend that you try and use Type52 even though it is the more detailed of the two models. If you are able to obtain the TESS HVAC Library, you will find both a water cooled chiller and some other simplified cooling coil models that would make your task a good bit easier.
Kind regards,

On 1/30/2013 01:29, Timothy Mulumba wrote:
I'm new to trnsys and I'd appreciate any help with my project. I'd like to model a water cooled chiller that supplies chilled water to an AHU and FCU which in turn cool an indoor zone. A cooling tower is also used with the chiller. Which components in the standard library can I use for this? (Don't have access to TESS library). Thanks.

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