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[TRNSYS-users] Imposing a load on a system

Dear all

I am using a type9a in combination with type 682 to impose the heating load of a building on a heatpump-system.
I am simulating with a timestep of 0.1 hr, but the loadfile i´m using has only 8760 values (1 pr. hour). Running the simulation it seems that every 0.1 hour is loaded by the hourly value from the loadfile in type 9a, but I would like the loadfile to spread the hourly load equally into 0.1 hr time steps. Is that easy to do automaticly by Trnsys or do i have to create a new loadfile with 87600 values instead of 8760 values?

Hope you can help.

Best regards 
Amdi Worm

Esbensen A/S