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[TRNSYS-users] visual fortran run time error

Dear all,

I met an ERROR as seen in an Attached figure when I run a simulation.

Could you users please tell me how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance! Happy New Year!


yang wang

2013/1/2 <trnsys-users-request@cae.wisc.edu>
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Today's Topics:

   1. ?? ????? ?????? (=?gb18030?B?zOzJ8Q==?=)
   2. abnormalty in plots for zone cooling (Talib Ahmadu)

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From: "天神" <286741401@qq.com>
To: "trnsys-users" <trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 19:58:02 +0800
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] 天神 寄来的贺卡 《新的一年》
 天神 寄来的贺卡 《新的一年》
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From: Talib Ahmadu <talibahmadu@yahoo.co.uk>
To: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 14:28:30 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] abnormalty in plots for zone cooling
Dear users
In my model of an absorption cooling for a multizone office, I have some issues which i would like to get clearification from users.
I considered the system to be working by checking the zone temperatures to see if they have dropped in temperature, is this correct? (temperatures dropped).
Secondly, i tried to vary the collector area to see the effect on the performance, but it stays thesame even with a collector area of zero, why is this so?
Thirdly, i see negative values in the hot storage tank temperature.
Positive responses will be appreciated.

TRNSYS-users mailing list

Attachment: visual fortran run time error.bmp
Description: Windows bitmap