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[TRNSYS-users] problems with saving a Macro including Sub-Macros and the project size inside Macros

Dear TRNSYS Users,

I have some problems with Macros in TRNSYS and hope someone can help me.
I wonder if there's no possibility to save a Macro which includes another Sub-Macro? 
First I get an error when trying it, with the second attempt it's possible to save it but then the saved Macro simply doesn't include the Sub-Macro although the corresponding connections are still displayed, only the Macro itself is missing.

Furthermore I have problems with the project size in Macros. The project size inside some Macros is smaller then the main project size which I have set in the Control Cards (also see the screenshot in the attachment). Even worse, it is not longer possible to scroll in these Macros.
Maybe someone has already come across these problems and can help me.
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Attachment: screenshot_macro_size.jpg
Description: screenshot_macro_size.jpg