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[TRNSYS-users] Type 60 in TRNSYS 16: parameter values for parameter 41 and 42 ???


I try to simulate the buffer tank, details of that are attached, with type 60 in TRNSYS 16.
My questions to the parameters 41 and 42:
What exactly covers "Heat exchanger wall conductivity" and what would be the right input value for this parameter if there is only a single pipe hx without fins and without pipe-in-pipe solution?
And how does the model handle the 60 liter water volume inside the pipe hx from time step to time step if the DHW usage is every hour at the
beginning around 30 to 50 liter per min.?

Many thanks in advance.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Klaus Sommer
Prof. Dr.-Ing., Rehva Fellow

Stellvertreter des geschäftsführenden Direktors des TGA-Instituts,

Fachhochschule Köln/Cologne University of Applied Sciences

Institut für Technische Gebäudeausrüstung/Institute of Building Services Engineering
Betzdorfer Str. 2  ,  D-50679 Köln /GERMANY

Tel.: +49 221 8275 2599 oder -2624

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