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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 107 absorption chiller data

Look. Just because the program issues a warning that the chiller is operating outside of the conditions that you have data for doesn't make it VERY wrong. The data set you entered gets translated into curves and the program will extrapolate along the curve. It just means that there is no garauntee that the performance at these conditions is accurate because there is no test data provided to verify this. At these extremes, the performance deviation is also more extreme and the extrapolated "fit" may not be a good one. But changing the first column only and leaving the other two as is is MORE wrong, because you change the entire performance of the machine and it does not even fit the data in the range where it could. I would match the performance curves to those of the data that I have, and try and find out why my system is operating at temperatures that the chiller was not designed for.

On 15 November 2012 14:12, Martin Ssembatya <mssembatya@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello there,

I am facing a similar challenge like that faced by Talib Ahmadu. I am modelling an absorption chiller whose hot inlet temp range is 70 - 95C and cooling water inlet temperature range is 8 - 35C. As it can be seen these ranges are out of the provided data ranges; so i changed the ranges to these aforementioned ones. I found this inevitable because i could not get the performance data corresponding to the chiller model i am investigating. I have tried a number of times to get this data from the manufacturer on a number of occasions but i don't get any feed back from them. The chiller i am investigating is YAZAKI WFC - SC10. The manufacturer provides data (on their website) that is defined at only one chilled water temperature (7C) and the data provided is not in the form of one required by type107 (It doesn't define the fraction of design load). I am requesting if some one has the exact data corresponding to this model or who knows where i can find it to help me with it. Before changing the data ranges i saw a suggestion in the mathematical description of this type that there is little variability between chiller data if normalized, so i assumed that changing the ranges would give me a meaningful estimate.

Thanks in advance

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