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[TRNSYS-users] Help for the simulation wiht boiler

Good morning
are an Italian student in construction engineering of the Technical University of Bari.
I'm using the software TRNSYS 16 for the thesis and I encountered some problems.
I created a building-plant system connected to a boiler (type 751) and a thermostat at 3 stage ( initialy i used 5 stage).
The building is an apartment with radiant floor panels that I designed with TRNBUILD.
When the simulation run does not seem that the boiler is working and that the water flows into the radiant panels at the same temperature input. I tried to change the setting of the thermostat but nothing that ...
Could you give me some suggestion about?
Thank you and I am attaching my model.

I await your.

Marianna Rizzi

Attachment: MARI_2510.bui
Description: Binary data

Attachment: MARI_2510.trn
Description: Binary data

Attachment: MARI_2510.inf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: MARI_2510.bld
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data