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[TRNSYS-users] SHGC - TrnSys 16.1


    Dear all,


    My question concerns the modelisation of facades in TrnSys, and in particular the implementation of SHGC  for glazing parts.

    In TrnBuild, you have to choose a glazing type in the library defining a U-value and g-value for the glazing. Then, the choice of a percentage of frame make you adjust the u-value of the frame so as to get a global u-value for the window.

    Is it the same with the g-value, I mean, is it necessary to take into account the frame percentage so as to get a g-value of the window ? Or is the g-value chosen for the glazing used for the total window part ?

    Best Regards


    Julien Desmers

    Ingenieur conception energetique

            Julien Desmers

    Praxice - Setec Batiment

    Conseil et Management



        Julien Desmers

Praxice - Setec Bâtiment

Conseil et Management



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