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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Problem with CVF et Windows 7

  DLLs compiled with CVF will run just fine under Windows 7 and DLLs that are all compiled in the same mode (ie debug or release) can communicate with either other if they were all compiled by CVF. Where we have run into some problems is if one DLL was compiled with CVF and the other with IVF, particularly if the external DLL (ie NOT the TRNDLL) needs to read from or write to a file.

  If you can send me the *.log file that is generated when you try to run your simulation, I can have a look at it and see if it contains any hints about what is going on.

On 9/21/2012 06:54, marcello.caciolo@cofelyaxima-gdfsuez.com wrote:

Dear TRNSYS users,


I know that, in windows 7, it is not possible to install and use CVF but it is necessary to pass to IVF.


However, I am wondering if it dll compiled with CVF in Windows XP can be read in windows 7. Indeed, in our company, we have just one PC with windows 7, but the development of TRNSYS components is done in another PC with windows XP. When using in windows 7 the dll (compiled with CVF under windows XP), TRNSYS seems not to be able to read the components in this dll. However, TRNSYS standard components are well read.


Is this a known issue and is it the only solution to use IVF? In this case, which is the version of IVF to buy?


Thank you for your help.


Best regards,

Marcello Caciolo
Responsable Outils et Méthodes d'Analyse Energétique


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