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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Question on trndll.dll / external dll

  If Type138 is a component that you wrote then the first thing to check is to make sure that you added the line:


to your code.  If you already have that line then when you run your simulation, the *.log and *.lst files will give you an indication in the simulation notices as to whether TRNDll has been compiled in release more or debug mode. Make sure that your external DLL containing Type138 is in the same mode and that the DLL that results from compiling and building is in the appropriate folder (either TrnsysXX\UserLib\DebugDLLs or TrnsysXX\UserLib\ReleaseDLLs) as the message indicates.

  If Type138 is part of the TRNAUS library then please be advised that the TRNAUS components only work with Trnsys15 and that you need to obtain a special Trnsys15 DLL in order to use them. Obviously you need to have Trnsys15 itself as well.

Kind regards,

On 8/15/2012 04:54, Siak Chun Loh wrote:

Dear All,


Do any users know how to solve the problem listed below?


*** Fatal Error at time   :         0.000000

    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available

    Generated by Type     :   138

    TRNSYS Message    105 : A TYPE was called in the TRNSYS input file but was either not linked into trndll.dll or was not found in an external dll. A dummy subroutine was called in its place. Please link the TYPE or remove it from the input file

Reported information  :  Type138 could not be located in either the trndll.dll or in an external dll. Please relink theTRNDll.dll including this Type or make sure that an external DLL in the \UserLib\DebugDLLs and \UserLib\ReleaseDLLs folders contain the Type.




Best regards,



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