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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 4

Dear Baboo,


The author of the Type4*.tmf proforma simply created it that way: you will have to specify the total number of nodes on the Parameter and Derivatives tabs and specify two less than the total number of nodes on the output tab. That is not necessarily intuitive, but it was simply created that way and remained for backwards compatibility. If you are looking for a more intuitive tank model, I highly recommend the Type534 tank from the TESS Storage Tank Library.

Thus, if you would like two nodes in your Type4 tank (or two volumes for the calculations), you would have to indicate "2" on the Parameter and Derivatives tabs and "0" on the Outputs tab.


Best regards,


Matt Duffy



Matthew J. Duffy
Project Engineer, TRNSYS Coordinator
Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC
22 N. Carroll St, Suite 370
Madison, WI 53703
TRNSYS on Facebook


On 2012-07-11 09:47, Baboo Gowreesunker wrote:


The number of nodes in Type 4 corresponds to the number of derivatives (NEQ in the FORTRAN code) in the Type. There are two nodes for the bottom and top nodes of the tank.

I'm confused as to why we can put different number of output nodes and derivative nodes in the Type. Also, what is the function of the top and bottom nodes, are these the inlet/outlet nodes? 

For e.g., if I want 2 nodes in my tank, do I set the derivative number to 2 or 4, and what about the number of outputs ?

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