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Re: [TRNSYS-users] New TESS Solar components

  Jeff is currently out of the office and while I am not certain, I would be very very surprised if you were not able to specify a different flow rate than the tested flowrate; it is standard practice for collector models to correct for the performance impact of running at other flow rates than the tested one. To be certain, check the "more" button contents on the various parameters and inputs of the model.
Kind regards,

On 6/29/2012 02:26, Andrés Montero wrote:
Dear Jeff,

One more thing about Type1288. Can I use a different flow rate than the one used to test the collector? or the type is only intended to model collector at specific conditions?

Thank you


2012/6/28 Andrés Montero <andresmonteroi@gmail.com>
Dear Jeff,

I wanted to be sure about how to set correctly Type1288. I have a PTC collector which works at a flowrate of 0.173kg/s (this flowrate is for a single collector). I have an aperture area of 50m2 and the aperture area of a single collector is 5.384m2, so the number of collectors would be 9. The configuration I need is: 3 rows in parallel with 3 collectors in series. 
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In the Proforma: Parameters-> Number in series=3, Collector array area=50. The flowrate for the entire solar collector array is 0.173x3 (3 rows)=0.519

Is this set correct?


2012/6/27 Andrés Montero <andresmonteroi@gmail.com>
Dear Jeff,

In one of my previous emails I forgot to ask you about the Chromasun collectors.. well I actually did but your answer was only refering Sopogy collectors. In order to use the radiation processor with Type1288 as a Chromasun collector, I guess I have to set the tracking mode to fixed surface. Is this correct? 

Best regards,


2012/6/26 Andrés Montero <andresmonteroi@gmail.com>
Dear Jeff,

On regard to the beam radiation on the tilted surface used by Type288. Do I have to correct that variable with the cosphi? What would you recommend me to do for the Chromasun Fresnel collector and the Sopogy SopoNova4.1 collector? 



2012/6/21 Jeff Thornton <thornton@tess-inc.com>


I have one more question about Type1288. In case I'd like to simulate this Type as a linear Fresnel collector, I saw that the proforma matches the Chromasun collector as well as the IAM external file. One thing that I want to be sure is when I link the solar radiation processor to Type 1288. What type of tracking mode do I have to select for this specific Fresnel collector? Do I have to use a Fixed surface or a single axis tracking? What about if I use data from the manufacturer Sopogy (according to test standard Solar Rating & Certification Corp.) with Type1288 (EN-12975). Fixed or single axis tracking with Type1288?
You have to choose the tracking mode that reflects the operation of the system that you are studying.  If you're using a Sopogy collector and they're azimuth tracking then you'll have to use that option in TRNSYS.  If the Sopogy collectors are stationary in your installation (doubtful) then you'd used  fixed surface mode.

Andrés Montero I.

Andrés Montero I.

Andrés Montero I.

Andrés Montero I.

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