thanks a lot for your answer. By the way, do you know any way of calculating the cumulative distribution function for a random number from a normal distribution? Best,
There are two components in the TESS Utility Library (Type577, and
Type578) which provide a random number with either a uniform or a
normal distribution. When I have needed to make a schedule that has
some random element to it, I have used one of these two Types
combined with my set schedule in an equation so that I don't get
quite the same schedule from day to day. I imagine you could do the
same for setpoints.
On 6/15/2012 01:18, Angel Carrera wrote:
Dear all,
i'm just beginning to work on the inclusion of stochastic
occupancy profiles in type 56. After briefly reviewing the
theoretical background i could find and before starting to work
with studio, i thought that probably some of you have experience
with this issue, so I would highly appreciate any recommendation,
reference or experience you may have that could help to anticipate
potential problems. Specially, I'm worried about the definition of
stochastic setpoints for heating and cooling systems. Any comments
are welcome, kind regards
-- Àngel Carrera
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