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Re: [TRNSYS-users] question about tess library components

Dear Artemi Spanaki,


That component is not from the TESS Library. It is the Type344 Transsolar Non-Standard Component - Pool model.


You need to contact your official TRNSYS distributor or the distributor who sold you that component for general technical support questions such as installing the software or component. This Trnsys-Users email list is a volunteer discussion forum and is not intended for general installation questions. Please make sure you state your institution and/or TRNSYS license information when you contact your TRNSYS Distributor because they cannot determine that based on your public domain email address. Also, please do not post the same question multiple times on the Trnsys-Users mailing list.


Best regards,


Matt Duffy



On 2012-06-18 06:54, Artemi Spanaki wrote:

Hello TRNSYS users.
What is the exact procedure in order to place a new copmonent from tess liblary (type 344) in simulation studio (trnsys version 16) and make it work in my project?
Yours sincerelly