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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Did not find TRNDLL.dll

  Are you running Trnsys16 or Trnsys17? In Trnsys16, we had a very strange bug like this. We were never able to track down the cause (nor find a solution); our suspicion was that there was some part of Type56 and some part of the TRNExe (the part that performs the Type56 plotting) that overlapped in memory usage. It occurred very rarely and we were not able to find a systematic repeatable way of generating the error. I have not encountered or heard of anyone else having the problem in Trnsys17. In Trnsys16 unfortunately, the only workaround is to use an alternative output device such as Type25 and to plot results externally.

On 5/24/2012 00:49, 王洋 wrote:
Dear all,

Originally, I run a tpf program well. However, I run this program again after I add Type 65, it shows "Did not find TRNDLL.dll" . Meanwhile, I run other normal programs and even EXAMPLES of TRNSYS, they also shows "Did not find TRNDLL.dll". 
Who could tell me how to deal with this problem?

Many thanks in advance!



2012/5/23 <trnsys-users-request@cae.wisc.edu>
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Today's Topics:

  1. Keeping Calculated Value over Time Period (esterl@pk-i.de)
  2. Re: Keeping Calculated Value over Time Period (Damien Gondre)
  3. Re: DynamicData and Visual Fortran XE 2011 (David BRADLEY)
  4. Concentrating PV-Thermal collector (Mahdi Hedayatizadeh)
  5. Did not find TRNDLL.dll (??)

---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
From: esterl@pk-i.de
To: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 16:37:12 +0200
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Keeping Calculated Value over Time Period

Dear Trnsys Users,

I have a Problem in a Trnsys Simulation.
I want to keep a calculated value at a certain time step over 24 hours and
then calculate a new one.
For example:  I want to calculate the value at hour 0 of day 1 and then use
this value in further calculations on this day. At day 2 i want to do the
same with the new value for hour 0 of that day.

The problem i'm having is, that i don't know how to tell transys to use a
value over 24 hours an then calculate a new one for the next 24 hours and
so on.

Thanks for your Help !


---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
From: Damien Gondre <damien.gondre@insa-lyon.fr>
To: esterl@pk-i.de
Cc: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 15:14:56 +0200
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Keeping Calculated Value over Time Period

Dear Steve,

I know a solution that should work but it is not necessarily the best one:
You could use an equation box with an input variable called old_value for instance, and two output variables called value and new_value for instance. At each time step you have to stock the value in the old_value variable using the input value recall (type 71).
In the new_value variable you calculate the new value at each htime step.

Then you decide upon the hour of the curent day if you want to use the old value or the new value by using the following equation :
value = eql(mod(time,24),0)*new_value+(1-eql(mod(time,24),0))*old_value

It should work,


Damien Gondre.
Centre de thermique de Lyon (CETHIL)
UMR 5008 - Insa de Lyon, UCBL, CNRS
Bâtiment Sadi Carnot
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex
+334 72 43 84 68

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 4:37 PM, <esterl@pk-i.de> wrote:

Dear Trnsys Users,

I have a Problem in a Trnsys Simulation.
I want to keep a calculated value at a certain time step over 24 hours and
then calculate a new one.
For example:  I want to calculate the value at hour 0 of day 1 and then use
this value in further calculations on this day. At day 2 i want to do the
same with the new value for hour 0 of that day.

The problem i'm having is, that i don't know how to tell transys to use a
value over 24 hours an then calculate a new one for the next 24 hours and
so on.

Thanks for your Help !


TRNSYS-users mailing list

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From: David BRADLEY <d.bradley@tess-inc.com>
To: Erik Boschek <erikboschek@yahoo.com>
Cc: "TRNSYS-users@cae.wisc.edu" <TRNSYS-users@cae.wisc.edu>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 09:34:40 -0500
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] DynamicData and Visual Fortran XE 2011
  We found and fixed this in Trnsys17 when we moved over to the IVF compilers. CVF didn't mind if you exited a subroutine without deallocating your allocatable arrays (it deallocated them for you). IVF is a bit more rigorous and forces you do deallocate arrays manually. You need to add the following lines to the GROW() subroutine in DynamicData


  Another issue that you may run into is that IVF does not like when a function returns without setting a return value. CVF was more forgiving about that. You will need to go through some of the TrnsysFunctions routines and make sure that they always set a return value. Again, this is fixed in Trnsys17.

On 5/23/2012 06:13, Erik Boschek wrote:
Dear TRNSYS users,
I am in the process of migrating to Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2011, with VS2010 from CVF6.6 for component development. I'm currently using TRNSYS 16.
Generally, with not too many problems I've gotten TRNSYS to compile and a few custom types.
However, in the mean time I've run into an issue which seems to be related to calling "DynamicData", which I use quite often.
I've found that if I create a simulation with more than one call, TRNSYS crashes with a run-time error "severe (151): allocatable array is already allocated" (as attaced screen shot).
To check that it wasn't related to my own component, I could also reproduce this simply by e.g. putting two instances of TESS Type581 (multi dimensional interpolation) into an empty project. This never occurs for the basic installed TRNDll or one I've compiled with the old compiler.
Is this problem known to anyone and is there a fix? Is the new intel compiler supported or is it known to give problems with TRNSYS? Would this problem disapear using TRNSYS 17?
Thanks for any insight,
Erik Boschek

TRNSYS-users mailing list

Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA



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From: Mahdi Hedayatizadeh <mhedayatizadeh@gmail.com>
To: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 19:19:51 +0430
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Concentrating PV-Thermal collector
Hi everybody,

I tried to model a kind of a system including a concentrating PV-thermal collector (TYPE 50) in TRNSYS 16 while I faced errors. I tried to find the problem by deleting some components that finally I got the problem is only associated with the PV-thermal Concentrator component. Finally, I put only a PV-Thermal concentrotor and an online plotter in an empty file with some input and parameter data ( A very simple one), but it still does not plot any result such as the outlet temperature of the collector.

Has anyone faced the same or relevant problem?

Looking forwards to hearing from you.

Mahdi Hedayatizadeh
Ph.D. Candidate,
Energy in Agriculture,
Department of Agricultural Machinery Engineering,
Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Tabriz,
Tabriz, Iran.
Tel.: +98 9384772799,
Email: hedayatizadeh@tabrizu.ac.ir

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From: 王洋 <wanghongyang1767@gmail.com>
To: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 17:54:45 +0200
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Did not find TRNDLL.dll
Dear all,

Originally, I run a tpf program well. However, I run this program again after I add Type 65, it shows "Did not find TRNDLL.dll" . Meanwhile, I run other normal programs and even EXAMPLES of TRNSYS, they also shows "Did not find TRNDLL.dll".
Who could tell me how to deal with this problem?

Many thanks in advance!



2012/5/23 <trnsys-users-request@cae.wisc.edu>
Send TRNSYS-users mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of TRNSYS-users digest..."

Today's Topics:

  1.  DynamicData and Visual Fortran XE 2011 (Erik Boschek)

---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
From: Erik Boschek <erikboschek@yahoo.com>
To: "TRNSYS-users@cae.wisc.edu" <TRNSYS-users@cae.wisc.edu>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 04:13:45 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] DynamicData and Visual Fortran XE 2011
Dear TRNSYS users,
I am in the process of migrating to Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2011, with VS2010 from CVF6.6 for component development. I'm currently using TRNSYS 16.
Generally, with not too many problems I've gotten TRNSYS to compile and a few custom types.
However, in the mean time I've run into an issue which seems to be related to calling "DynamicData", which I use quite often.
I've found that if I create a simulation with more than one call, TRNSYS crashes with a run-time error "severe (151): allocatable array is already allocated" (as attaced screen shot).
To check that it wasn't related to my own component, I could also reproduce this simply by e.g. putting two instances of TESS Type581 (multi dimensional interpolation) into an empty project. This never occurs for the basic installed TRNDll or one I've compiled with the old compiler.
Is this problem known to anyone and is there a fix? Is the new intel compiler supported or is it known to give problems with TRNSYS? Would this problem disapear using TRNSYS 17?
Thanks for any insight,
Erik Boschek

TRNSYS-users mailing list

TRNSYS-users mailing list

TRNSYS-users mailing list

Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

