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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Keeping Calculated Value over Time Period

Dear Steve,

I know a solution that should work but it is not necessarily the best one:
You could use an equation box with an input variable called old_value for instance, and two output variables called value and new_value for instance. At each time step you have to stock the value in the old_value variable using the input value recall (type 71).
In the new_value variable you calculate the new value at each htime step.

Then you decide upon the hour of the curent day if you want to use the old value or the new value by using the following equation :
value = eql(mod(time,24),0)*new_value+(1-eql(mod(time,24),0))*old_value

It should work,


Damien Gondre.
Centre de thermique de Lyon (CETHIL)
UMR 5008 - Insa de Lyon, UCBL, CNRS
Bâtiment Sadi Carnot
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex
+334 72 43 84 68

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 4:37 PM, <esterl@pk-i.de> wrote:

Dear Trnsys Users,

I have a Problem in a Trnsys Simulation.
I want to keep a calculated value at a certain time step over 24 hours and
then calculate a new one.
For example:  I want to calculate the value at hour 0 of day 1 and then use
this value in further calculations on this day. At day 2 i want to do the
same with the new value for hour 0 of that day.

The problem i'm having is, that i don't know how to tell transys to use a
value over 24 hours an then calculate a new one for the next 24 hours and
so on.

Thanks for your Help !


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