Your formula looks right except that I don't think the first
Tst,previous term on the right hand side should be divided by the
You can get the temperature at the previous time step by using
either Type661 from the TESS Libraries or Type93. Both hold on to
output values for a user-specified number of timesteps before
releasing them.
I am not entirely clear why you don't want to use an actual
storage media model such as Type10, which solves the coupled
differential equations that allow you to model stratified storage
and also take care of computing the state of the air leaving the
storage media so that it can be correctly passed either back to the
collector or on to something else.
On 5/18/2012 04:45, Johannes Schütz wrote:
Hello Trnsys-users,
first of all I have to admit, that I'm quite new to Trnsys Studio.
So the question might be really easy to answer. I would
be really glad, if you can help me.
My problem is the following:
I have linked a solar air collector to an equation, which is
supposed to simulate the sensible storage in a very simplified
I assume, that the temperature of the hot air from the collector
is constant, also the volume flow and further I assume, that the
heat transfer between the hot air and the heat storage is ideal.
That means, that the air is released from the storage at storage
temperature. Last not least I assume that there are no heat
lossses to the ambience.
Taking all the assumptions above, an estimation of the storage
temperature for each timestep shouldn't be difficult.
I would propose the following formula:
The only problem I face, how to command Trnsys to use the Storage
tempearture Tst from the
previous timestep. Hopefully you can help me solving my problem.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Take care
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