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[TRNSYS-users] Translating SRCC OG-100 solar water heater collector equations into TRNSYS

I need help translating SRCC OG-100 ratings into TRNSYS.  Specifically, I have questions (listed below background info) on what the units are and if they are positive or negative.

I'm currently translating the SRCC OG-100 ratings of a flat plate collector used in domestic solar water heating into my TRNSYS program.  I'm using at Type 539 under the Tess Solar Library - Glazed Flat Plate Collector - OG100 Quadratic Efficiency Approach.

My solar collector has the following specs:

 Efficiency Equation [NOTE: Based on gross area and (P)=Ti-Ta] Y INTERCEPTSLOPE
  SI Units:η= 0.718 -2.29060  (P)/I-0.04398  (P)2/I   0.744-5.151  W/m2.°C

 Incident Angle Modifier [(S)=1/cosθ - 1, 0°<θ<=60°]
   Kτα = 1-0.322  (S) 0.031  (S)2
   Kτα = 1-0.29  (S) Linear Fit

TRNSYS states, Efficiency = a0 - a1*(T-T_Ambient)/G - a2*(T-T_Ambient)^2/G
   where T = fluid temperature
              T_Ambient = ambient air temperature
              G = total solar radiation incident on the surface [kJ/hr]

Parameter a1 is the first-order parameter of the collector efficiency equation.  Its units are [kJ/hr-m2-K].
Parameter a2 is the second-order parameter of the collector efficiency equation.  Its units are [kJ/hr-m2-K2].

-and for IAM coefficients -
Modifier = 1 - b0 * S - b1 * S^2

where S=1/cos(Incidence angle)-1
b0 and b1 correspond to the two IAM coefficients

Here is what I am doing, but would like confirmation:
TRNSYS Parameter                           TRNSYS Value   ... from SRCC value
Intercept efficiency (a0)                      +0.718 (no units, η from SRCC specs)
1st order efficiency coefficient (a1)      +2.29060 (W/m^2*K?)  (P)/I (-2.29060) from SRCC specs, but input as a positive value in TRNSYS?
2nd order efficiency coefficient (a2)     +0.04398 (W/m^2*K)?  (P)2/I (-0.04398)from SRCC specs, but input as a positive value in TRNSYS?
1st order IAM coefficient                    +0.332 (no units)        S (-0.322) from SRCC specs, but input as a positive value in TRNSYS, or should this be negative
2nd order IAM coefficient                    -0.031 (no units)        (S)2 (+0.031)from SRCC specs, but I input as negative value in TRNSYS since it's the opposite of all others
