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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Cooling power to water flow?

  I am not sure whether anyone responded to your post. However, there is a component in the TESS Loads and Structures library that does exactly this. You have to save the Excel file as text (comma or tab delimited) and read it into your simulation using Type9. You then take these loads and pass them to Type682.

  If you do not have access to the component in question, you can always read the load in using Type9, then use an equation (Tout = Tin + q/m_dot/Cp) to get the return water temperature. You have to be a little careful using this equation because there is some inlet temperature above which you cannot realistically provide cooling. For example, if Tin is 30C and you are trying to maintain your space at 20C, there isn't any way you can provide cooling to the space. Type682 (for Trnsys17) provides that checking automatically.

On 4/26/2012 04:31, Santeri Siren wrote:
Dear all,

I need to simulate cooling power that chances over time and affects a water flow. I have the cooling powers that I need to use in an excel file. So I need a component that reads the powers from excel as an input and deliveres them to the water flow. The inlet temperature of the water flow also changes over time. Is there any simple way to do this?

It seems that the basic auxiliary cooler cant be used in this case because it has a rated power that can not be read as a changing input.

Best regards. Santeri Siren

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