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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 927, Number of specified flows

  It is important to clarify that the data file for Type927 required at least two values of source and load flow rates in order for the TRNSYS kernel routine that reads the data file to interpolate correctly. A modification has been made to TRNSYS 17.1 that allows users to specify only one value for any of the "independent variables" if they so choose.

  The easiest thing to do in Trnsys17.0.x and earlier is simply to copy the data for the flow rates that you do have and paste it for another (arbitrary) flow rate. Essentially this just indicates in the data file that there is no performance dependence on a changing flow rate. Probably not a great assumption but at least the simulation would run.

Kind regards,

On 4/10/2012 04:12, Richard Thygesen wrote:


Is it necessary to specify three load and source flows in the external file of type 927? Because it seems like it should be possible to only have two but when I try to simulate I get two errors


“The referenced Unit has a bad parameter value.

Reported information  : Parameter # 11, Reported Problem: There must be at least two source flow rates.”


“The referenced Unit has a bad parameter value.

Reported information  : Parameter # 12, Reported Problem: There must be at least two load flow rates.”


The problem is that I have specified two load and source flows.

Has anyone encountered this problem?


Best regards

Richard Thygesen


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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
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