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Re: [TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS-users Digest, Vol 88, Issue 6

Dear All
Kindly let me know, In Trnsys, is there any method to close and open a
window . Share some example copy for the same.


Thanks and Regards
Rana Pratap Poddar
Research Associate
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
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IHC Complex, New Delhi-110003
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| From:      |
  |trnsys-users-request@cae.wisc.edu                                                                                                                 |
| To:        |
  |trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu                                                                                                                         |
| Date:      |
  |04/04/2012 10:36 PM                                                                                                                               |
| Subject:   |
  |TRNSYS-users Digest, Vol 88, Issue 6                                                                                                              |
| Sent by:   |
  |trnsys-users-bounces@cae.wisc.edu                                                                                                                 |

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Today's Topics:

   1. Calling Matlab (Ramadas Narayanan)
   2. online plotter in CombiSys (Shuai Deng)

----- Message from Ramadas Narayanan <ramadas.n@gmail.com> on Wed, 4 Apr
2012 11:58:44 +0930 -----
      To: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu 
 Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Calling    

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to  run  a component  written  in MATLAB  in TRNSYS.  For that,
I added  Type 155 calling MATLAB to my project and run my TRNSYS tpf file.
It runs smoothly and gives some out put. In the corresponding m-file
( given under special cards), I inserted my m-file code in the space for
'all iterative calls' and saved the file. When I run the file, it shows an
error "The M-file did not properly set ‘mFileErrorCode’ to 0 when it was

Can any one explain this? How can I set set ‘mFileErrorCode’ to 0.
Your reply highly appreciated.


----- Message from Shuai Deng <deng32@purdue.edu> on Tue, 3 Apr 2012
22:38:13 -0400 (EDT) -----
      To: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu          
 Subject: [TRNSYS-users] online plotter in   

Dear all,

I downloaded  Combisys demo and found it is pretty easy to use as an
education tool
to show the basic operation of solar combi-system.
I even discussed with some students in my lesson about the content of trd
sth like: how the data transfer between types, and how to add our cities
into the demo to extend its function,
and how to add some solar collector types they obtained from google to the
To be honest, I can feel they really like this demo.
One of them asked me a question about how to output the results of two
online plotters in the system.
Actually, the system, described in combisys.trd demo file, contains:

a. 2 online plotters: unit 41, type 65, output file: Assign ***.ou1
                              unit 45, type 65, output file: Assign ***.ou2
They are mainly used for showing the operation information of the system.
In the original content of combisys.trd file, they are set "no need to
output result file", just used as two "monitors".

b. Unit 51, Type 24, Monthly Integrator + Unit 52, Type 25, Printer
they can be considered as two partners, and work together to output file:
Assign ***.out

c. Unit 50 Type 28 Simulation Summary
output file: Assign ***.sum

The thing is
we remove the "*" before the output statement "Assign ***.ou1" and ou2 in
the related groups of online plotters, so that the demo can output these
two result  files.
however, we found no data is in the ou1 and ou2 file, they are blank.
and other output files works.

So, we did some assumption analysis ( actually, it likes a simple brain
storm ) about why it happens:
a.  no data are calculated out by demo: that is not true, because online
plotter works very, both of them. all the performance curves are shown
every calculation step.
b. online plotters only show the results, not record the data into output

we thought that is also not true. The script regarding the online plotter
is shown below:

Unit 45 Type 65 Online plotter
Parameters 10   ! Here shows 10 parameters of type 65, OFF=0 means display
online; LU=-1 , we guess it is means logical unit =-1?
*NbLeft   NbRight   LeftMin   LeftMax   RightMin  RightMax
6         2         0.0       100000000 0.0       100.0
*NbPlots  XGridPts  OFF       LU
1         10        0         -1
Inputs 8
44,1      44,2        44,5       44,6       44,7      44,4      EFFCOLL
ESol      EAux        EMains     EDHW       EHouse    ELossTank EffCol
Labels 5
kJ %
Assign ***.ou2 22 ! here we just remove the header sign "*".

c. this online plotter is type 65c, means a online plotter without file:
because "assign" statement has already been contained, so it seems not to
be a right answer.
d.  the post-processing will erase the data in the ou1 and ou2 files: that
is a interesting idea from one student,  but we checked the "out"  folder,
bat and txt file did not support this assumption.

In a summary, we have no idea about why two output files-ou1 and ou2 are
Thus, I send this email to all of you for a help.
Any comments and advise will be helpful to us.

TRNSYS-users mailing list



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