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Re: [TRNSYS-users] [EnergyPlus_Support] Experimental Data for PCM Modeling Validation


My latest data on the BioPCM technology is attached in the document called BioPCM Energy Plus Objects. It has temperature enthalpy sets for the following melt temperatures: Q21, Q23, Q25, Q29. 
I do not yet have data on the microtek, BASF, and DuPont products, but the microtek is not commercially available yet, and the BASF & DuPont products can not be installed in the USA because they are a fire hazard so the BioPCM is the defacto only commercially viable product for the USA. I have attached a file with info on the BioPCM technology as well as an image of the BioPCMat product..

The ramp on the Q21 is .5C/min, and the others are 1C/min, all using dynamic DSC testing.  I have requested for each of the melt temps to be tested using isothermal stepped DSC testing. Question-- Could/would you want to do T history and/or isothermal stepped testing, if so I can have samples of each sent to you on Monday, as the lab I have at my disposal is saying that it may take 250 hours to do the isothermal stepped tests, and my math says that it should take more like 20 hours (how long would you say it should take?) I have also attached are three files on testing methods for your review..

Also thank you for all the recent advise, I now have my model working for a small room and did figure out how to get energy savings. What I did was use the internal source sink layers construction object and change the convergence limits and it now works very well.

Here is a link to my visualization of a recent simulation run for Denver CO that shows 25.2% savings (The same file ran in Eugene Oregon shows 12.6%) 

Lastly I have attached two files that I found to be very interesting with regards to parametric modeling PCM's, one by Saylor on enhanced comfort in passive house and the other on an office building and more.. (see pages 50+) 
I figure these files may give you some ideas about possible parametric analysis that might be done.

Best of luck on your code project, and I will send you the next data as soon as I get it (hot of the DSC....:)

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 7:11 AM, saleh saadi <salehsnjsaadi404@yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear All

I have been involved in modeling PCM as a part of my PhD work at University of Colorado Boulder. At this phase of my work, I'm looking for a reliable experimental data to validate the models that I have coded. If you are willing to share your experimental data or you know someone who has one, then I will appreciate you contacting me or send the data to me.

I have done the literature and found many available studies and contacting authors but unfortunately wasn't successful in getting the data. I tried to extract data from those published papers but I don't think that would be accurate for validation(i.e. may be good for qualitative comparison) .

I appreciate your cooperation for accurate PCM simulation.

Saleh Al Saadi

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Jeremiah D. Crossett
CleanTech Analytics

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Attachment: BioPCM-Energy Plus Objects-V2.idf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: RoomStudy-BioPCM M27-Q21.idf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: RoomStudy-BASELINE.idf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Enthalpy of Phase Change Materials as a Function of Temperature Required Accuracy and Suitable Measurement Methods.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: konstantinidou.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Determination of the enthalpy of PCM as a function of temperature using a heatflux DSC A study of different.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: saylorASME (1).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: stocktonDSC-TEST-ADV.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: EMail-BioPCM_101811.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: PCM_Frt_Back_rgb.jpg
Description: JPEG image