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Re: [TRNSYS-users] type 1221

Dear Raymond,

Input #9 on the Type1221 Water-to-Water heat pump is the scaling factor. If you look in the "More" button, you will see the following description for that particular input.

"A scaling factor which can be used to simulate several heat pumps connected in parallel where the heat pumps can be individually controlled (1 of 4 on for example)."

Making that input value 1 will scale it to one heat pump. There is also an example with this component in the following directory that may be of use, ".\Tess Models\Examples\GHP Library\".

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: "raymond" <raymond@bet-etb.fr>
Sent: Thu, March 1, 201! 2 9:26
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] type 1221


When using the TESS libraries "Type 1221" and "Type 927" several error messages are displayed which is as follows :


N°24 : This type was found in more than one DLL. The first instance of the type was loaded. Subsequent instances have been ignored.
A duplicate of type 1221 was found in "TESSHVACLibrary_v17.01_Release.dll

N°42 : TRNSYS Message   199 : TRNSYS Found at least one user DLL in the UserLib directory. (Note : Only DLL's including Types that are used in the simulation are loaded)

Reported information : 2 user DLL's were loaded after searching in "C:\Trnsys17\UserLib\ReleaseDLL's"

N°44 : Total Fatal Errors : 1

N°43 : TRNSYS Message  126 : The referenced Unit! has a bad imput value

Reported information : Input # 9, Reported Problem. The scale factor must be above 0.


Has anyone experienced this problem, could you tell me how to fix it

thank you

Best regards


Raymond BACQUÉ                                                               &nb! sp;   


Tel : +33 4 86 11 90 95

Mobile : +33 6 69 58 37 27

Fax : +33 4 68 65 50 03

Courriel : raymond@bet-etb.fr


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