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Re: [TRNSYS-users] 回复: TRNSYS-users Digest, Vol 84, Issue 37

Dear Cathy

On 12/28/2011 06:41, sun liang wrote:

1. I know that when I use the Ventilation to delivery the cold and hot air into the controlled zone, the Cooling and Heating must be turn off. The temperature of the controlled zone is used to adjust the temperature and flow rate of the ventilating air. But I also want to obtain the cooling load or heating load on this occasion. How can I reach my aim?
Type56's automatic HEATING and COOLING Types calculate the sensible energy required to maintain a predefined set point temperature (also called the sensible load). When you change to a controller that is trying to maintain the zone temperature by varying the temperature and flow of supply air, the "load" is no longer defined; in order to define the load, you need to predefine the actual room temperature (note that the actual room temperature and the room setpoint temperature are not the same thing!). Instead, the concept of "load" is replaced by the actual energy that is being adding to or removed from the zone. How to see this quantity depends a bit on what Types are in your system. If you are heating using a furnace, you would look at the output of the furnace that tells how much energy it added to the air stream. If you are using heat pumps, you would look at the heat pump output that shows how much energy was added to the airstream. You could also use a pair of Type33s (psychrometrics) to compute the enthalpy of the supply (h_in) and return air (h_out), then compute q=mdot*(h_out-h_in).
2. When using TRNBuild to design the controlled zone, I am confused by defining control strategy and scale in designing the Artificial Lighting.
The "control strategy" and "scale" fields in the Artificial Lighting gain window allow you to adjust the heat gains from lighting that the space experiences. Both are typically a value between 0 and 1 and they act as a multiplier on the base value that you specified using the "total heat gain" and "related floor area" fields. As with many things in TRNBuild/Type56, you have the option of selecting a constant value, scheduling a value, or telling Type56 that the value will come from some other Type (or equation) as an INPUT. 

3. The TRNSYS software I used is Version 16 and was bought from the agency of China Mainland. The agency said that I had to pay if I want to upgrade my software to Version 17. I want to know how the software is upgraded for free. By the way, my software does not have a serial number but a Passdog.
The update from TRNSYS 16.x to TRNSYS 17.x is a paid update. Within each major version number (16, 17, etc.) there are periodic minor version updates (16.1, 16.2, 16.3, etc.) which are free.

Kind regards,

Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

