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Re: [TRNSYS-users] (no subject)

 You are right on with all three of your points. For reference, we discontinued use of Type109 in Trnsys17 in favor of option 2 (Type15), which is correct from an energy perspective even though it isn't a smooth curve. In gernal think that a control strategy that relies only on the instantaneous DNI as its input might run into trouble not only in simulation but also in the real world; clouds pass in front of the sun rapidly sometimes. While I won't pretend that the "spiky" profile that Type15 generates is totally realistic, I think it is a fairly accurate representation of DNI. Bear in mind that Type15 is trying to reconstruct a minute by minute radiation profile based only on 1 number and to do so correctly for all possible climate types. You might consider a control strategy that uses the output of Type15 but put through a running-average component so that your control decisions are based on a somewhat more stable (smoother) profile.

On 11/11/2011 00:32, Erik Boschek wrote:

Dear TRNSYS users,

I have a simple question regarding weather reading and interpolating direct normal radiation (DNI) values for time steps less than an hour.

As long as I have been using TRNSYS (using TRNSYS 16.1) I have understood this can be done in a few ways as follows, including the consequence for an example TM2 file (see attached screen shot for clarification):

1.) Do not interpolate, using Type 15 with output DNR (not interpolated): you end up with a "steppy" profile
2.) Using Type 15, but with 2-axis tracking and the output "Beam radiation for surface": you get a discontinuous "spikey" profile, but the integration of energy across the hour is respected
3.) Same as 2, but using Type109-TMY2: You get a smooth profile, but often there appear inexplicable spikes at the beginning or end of the day. The one in the plot obviously is an extreme case.

For reference: I just used the Daggett profile "US-CA-Daggett-23161.tm2" which came with TRNSYS, but the behavior is not specific to this file.

Generally, I have been using 2, but it can cause problems if there is, for example, some triggering function based on DNI and the DNI hovers around the threshold. Is there another option for getting a smoother profile or is it best just to not interpolate? Any opinions? Feel free to point me to an earlier post on this topic in case I missed it.


Erik Boschek

TRNSYS-users mailing list

Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
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