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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Error in Trnopt

Dear Mehdi,


I am not familiar with that exact error, but I have a few suggestions. First of all, make sure that you’re using the TESS Libraries 17.01 (check the number on the DLL in the “.\UserLib\ReleaseDLLs”). Make sure that you can run the example in the TRNSYS Studio without errors before you run it in TRNOpt. Also check and *.lst or *.log file in those directories to see if there is any more information about the errors.


Best regards,


Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mehdi Shahrestani" ! <mahdishahrestani@gmail.com>
Sent: Thu, November 3, 2011 16:54
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Error in Trnopt

Dear Trnsys users


I am working with Trnopt for optimisation.

in my model I am facing an error as below. I was wondering if anybody can give some advice to solve.

Trnsys ver 17.19

Trnopt 3.0.3!


Many thanks






Configuration file : C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\Trnsys17.ini

Command file       : C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\Command.txt


Optimization started  at : Thu Nov 03 22:42:37 GMT 2011

Optimization finished at : Thu Nov 03 22:42:41 GMT 2011

Execution time     ! ;      :            00:00:04



Optimization terminated with error.


Error message:

************! **



Exception in executing the simulation program


Simulation working directory : 'C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1'

Command string               : 'C:\Trnsys17\Exe\TRNExe.exe "C:\Trnsy! s17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /n /WAIT '

Exception message:


Error in executing the simulation program

Exit value of the simulation program: 1

Working directory                   : 'C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp! -genopt-run-1'.

Current command String              : 'C:\Trnsys17\Exe\TRNExe.exe "C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /n /WAIT '.

Error stream of simulation program  : Simulation program did not return an error stream.



GenOpt terminated with error.

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