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Re: [TRNSYS-users] TrnOpt, Is it Constrained or unconstrained optimisation technique

Dear Dr. Mohammad Abdunnabi,


You can set the technical constraints of the optimization as cost penalties in the objective function to be minimized. We have done exactly what you want in the below paper, so that I am not writing everything again here:





George Kyriakarakos


George Kyriakarakos, Agricultural Engineer

MSc Energy Systems & Renewable Energy Sources

Agricultural University of Athens,

Dept. of Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering

Iera odos street, 75, Athens 11855, Greece

Tel. +30.210.5294046 (direct), Fax: +30.210.5294023

Mobile +30.6942.046895

e-mail: <gk@aua.gr>





From: trnsys-users-bounces@cae.wisc.edu [mailto:trnsys-users-bounces@cae.wisc.edu] On Behalf Of mohammad abdunnabi
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 5:21 PM
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] TrnOpt, Is it Constrained or unconstrained optimisation technique


Dear Trnsys Users


Does any body can confirm to me that all techniques provided in TrnOpt (genOpt) Trnsys component is unconstrained optimisation technique. this what I believe. if so, Plz if there is any way to run the optimisation with the the objective function as the cost function and to put constrains on the SF(solar faction of the system)?

The second question is that I've observed when I used weather external file by using Type 9a and radiation process Type 16i with the other components of thermosyphon system to complete the system and the optimisation componet TrnOpt there is an error although when I run it without the optimisation componet it's working fine. the error I get is:


Exception in executing the simulation program

Current command String: 'C:\TRNSYS17\Exe\TRNEXE.EXE "C:\TRNSYS17\optimization\GENOPT\SIMULATION\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /n /WAIT '.
Exception message:

Error in executing the simulation program
Exit value of the simulation program: 1
Current command String              : 'C:\TRNSYS17\Exe\TRNEXE.EXE "C:\TRNSYS17\optimization\GENOPT\SIMULATION\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /n /WAIT '.
Error stream of simulation program  : Simulation program did not return an error stream.

GenOpt terminated with error.
See logfile for further information.

Does any body can help to identify the error, and also I didn't find the Logfile (is it List file)?


any help will be highly appertiated.


Dr. Mohammad Abdunnabi
Head of Thermal Energy conversion Department
Center for Solar Energy Research and Studies (CSERS)


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