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[TRNSYS-users] TRNFlow Cs, Simulink integrated with TRNSYS and Matlab 2010a DLL

Dear all,


I have some questions about TRNFlow and Calling Matlab.

1) For Closed Opening in TRNFlow: There is a flow coefficient Cs per m crack length, when I set Cs as 0 kg/s/m at 1 Pa, BUT I found there is still air flow escaping from the zone (there is only one zone in my project). Because I observed CO2 concentration is still decreasing all the time after closed all the openings.


2) For Calling Simulink: Which experts have some experience for calling Simulink? I designed a Controller using Simulink, I need connect the controller’s output and input with the TYPE 56’s input and output, and set a set-point value using Simulink. Who could tell me some general guides or give me your examples about that.


Or could I translate Simulink into M-file, then connect with TYPE 56?


3) Could you have Matlab 2010a DLL? How can I call Matlab 2010a? Which folder of TRNSYS need I copy Matlab 2010a DLL?


Many thanks in advance!





2011/10/10 <trnsys-users-request@cae.wisc.edu>
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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: need trnsys3D (Matt Duffy)
  2. Re: Tess Libraries (Matt Duffy)
  3. Re: TRnsys3D skecthup plugin (Matt Duffy)

---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
From: Matt Duffy <duffy@tess-inc.com>
To: m zahid <imzahid1@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 12:28:04 -0500
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] need trnsys3D
You obtain that from your Trnsys distributor or from the page at Transsolar's www.Trnsys.de site.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy
Thermal Energy Systems Specialists

Sent from my mobile wireless device. Please excuse any typos.

On Oct 8, 2011, at 12:07 AM, m zahid <imzahid1@hotmail.com> wrote:

hi ,
i m new user of TRNSYS.i need TRNSYS3D password if anybody have , please share this .i downloded TRNSYS3D from website and mail for password but after one month i am still waiting for password required during installation.

TRNSYS-users mailing list

---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
From: Matt Duffy <duffy@tess-inc.com>
To: MERIEM SOUSSI <soussi_meriem2005@yahoo.fr>
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 12:34:53 -0500
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Tess Libraries

First, you need to obtain the last Tess Libraries for version 16 (Tess Libraries v 2.04) from your official Trnsys Distributor. I would also recommend upgrading to v17. Make sure it installs into your Trnsys directory.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy
Thermal Energy Systems Specialists

Sent from my mobile wireless device. Please excuse any typos.

On Oct 7, 2011, at 8:57 AM, MERIEM SOUSSI <soussi_meriem2005@yahoo.fr> wrote:

 Dear Mr Bradley,
I'm using Trnys version 16.01.0003 which was supplied with TRNSYS TESS Componenet Libraries Version 2.02, The problem that after installing Tess Libraries many components does not appear in the Direct Access Toolbar such as the Solar Library Contents or Storage Tank Library, although I have all the documentation belonging to these libraries.
I only find : Applications,  Controllers, GHP, HVAC and Optimisation TESS Libraries. I also repeated the installation process and selected all the Tess Libraries and got the same result.
Thank you in advance for helping me solving this problem.
Best Regards

Ingénieur énergéticien/doctorant
Département Génie Industriel
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT)
TRNSYS-users mailing list

---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
From: "Matt Duffy" <duffy@tess-inc.com>
To: "Marcus" <jones.0bj3@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 17:25:12 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] TRnsys3D skecthup plugin
Hello Marcus,

Thank you for the email and your input. I apologize for the delay as I have been out of the office.

I am sorry to hear that you have not had much luck with the plugin. I would recommend my list of tips/tricks with the plugin. There’s not much else that I could tell you without looking at your model. I am not sure if Transsolar has done any user feedback with the plugin.

The TRNSYS3D plugin was essentially created out of necessity for one of Transsolar’s project.  I am not sure of their future plans with the plugin. Perhaps they will shed some more light on this next month at the TRNSYS User Day in Stuttgart on November 18th. 

For your question about changing the geometry, yes, we also do this all the time with the ‘File -> Update TRNSYS3D File’. We recommend renaming the newer *.idf when you implement this. It keeps all of the information that you entered in TRNBuild. I believe it would be much easier than doing this in a script.

Marcus, thank you again for your comments and concerns. I hope to see you next month in Stuttgart.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marcus" <jones.0bj3@gmail.com>!
Sent: Fri, September 23, 2011 6:49
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] TRnsys3D skecthup plugin

Hi Matt,

I didn't CC the list on my response to Thibaut, so I'll weigh in on the issue now. I have to echo this frustration with the plugin! I can vouch for others that have used it as well in saying that the risk of crashing the plugin / problems in reloading models / other bugs is quite high, especially for anything above a few zones. Maybe we are using the plugin incorrectly, maybe it's specific to our machines or applications. Has anyone done any user feedback survey?

More generally, I am wondering what the future of the plugin is. I don't understand the decision to create a new plugin that is incompatible with DOE OpenStudio, which has lots of funding and is continuously being improved. I would like to just import my OpenStudio generic .IDF or .OSM file into TRNSYS!! The latest OpenStudio from NREL (0.40) is drastically better in stability and features when creating an .IDF. It can i.e. do geometry matching automatically (as the prerequisite for surface matching), which is critical for 10+ zones in a project, and future release will have ie/ radiance export. Is TRNSYS going to maintain this independant development path for TRNSYS 3d?

More complaining: It is also cumbersome to change the geometry once the zone definitions are complete in TRNBLD. I would like to do this programmatically, in a script. This is important for parametric study or geometry optimization when analyzing hundreds of variants. Has anyone out there succeeded in using "trnsidfup.exe"? Any chance that this conversion could be made open source? I guess it's just a perl script compiled to EXE?


Marcus Jones,  M.Sc.! , LEED®AP BD+C
Freelance energy consultant
Vienna, Austria

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 7:49 PM, Thibaut VITTE <thibaut.vitte@h3c-energies.fr> wrote:
Dear Matt,

First, I may have sound a little bit agressive ;-) , and I'm sorry but I was SO frustated to have lost 3 days of work before returning to the old method...

Yes I know quite all the tricks you've said, and I did re! ad the manual, and did a small building, and I perfectly know I would have been able to do so in a training course within 2 hours.

But the problem is for a bigger building !! (even with the manual next to the keyboard...)
I think my problem is that I (still?) don't know how to draw perfectly from the first click in sketchup, and that I have to erase, cancel, etc. And then, it is a big mess.
Anyway, thanks for taking into account our concerns, I have my answer that some people manage to be efficient with Trnsys3D!



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