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[TRNSYS-users] File handling

Dear TRNSYS users,


I would like to write a component for TRNSYS 17 which reads its parameters from an external file. In the proforma of my type, I specified a parameter “Logical unit”, linked to the name of the file in the “File” tab.


In the FORTRAN code, at the iteration zero, my type simply use the read instruction as it follows:


unit_fichier_sortie = jfix(getParameterValue(4) + 0.1)


! Lecture de la version du fichier

read(unit_fichier_descriptif,*, iostat = erreur_lecture) par_1


However, instead of reading in the correct file, this instruction reads in a file called “fort.30” (where 30 is the logical unit number assigned by TRNSYS).


If I write my parameters in “fort.30”, the type reads its parameters correctly. However, I would really like that it reads in the file I specify in the proforma (“exemple.in”)!


If I debug the code, the function getLUfileName(unit_fichier_descriptif) returns the correct name of the file (example.in).


Has someone experienced the same kind of problem? For information, I use Compaq Visual Fortran.


Thank you for your help!


Marcello CACIOLO
Responsable Outils et Méthodes d'Analyse Energétique 

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mail: marcello.caciolo@aximaseitha-gdfsuez.com



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