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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Linking MATLAB and TRNSYS

Dear Ehsan,

the MatLab command is dos('command') to execute a dos command. And for the command you can use the batch mode described in the Manual of TRNSYS 17 "Getting started" on page 1-73

So the full command would be something like:

dos('C:\Program Files\Trnsys17\Exe\TRNExe.exe C:\Program Files\Trnsys17\Examples\SDHW\SDHW.dck /n')

or something similare.

Best regards and good luck,

Zitat von Ehsan Asadi <ehsan0asadi@yahoo.com>:


I know that it is possible to call MATLAB from TRNSYS, Using TYPE 155, but don't know if it is possible to call TRNSYS from MATLAB. What I'm trying to do is using MATLAB optimization tools to solve a multi-objective optimization problem. I'm trying to ask MATLAB to read TRNSYS output file, modify it to create a new input file and initiate TRNSYS.
Any ideas?
