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[TRNSYS-users] Ventilation

Dear All,
I am trying to calculate the total HVAC needs of a builidng, and i am having trouble specifying the Ventilation demand. I am uisng:
(a) Ventilation using outside air temperature and outside Relative Humdity values:
(b) Ventilation using set values of temperature (20 degrees C) and relative humidity(50%).
My question is:
- when ventilating using option (a), is the 'Ventilation Energy Gain' the total amount of Ventilation energy demand?
- when ventilating using option (b), does the Total cooling and Heating demand displayed by TRNSYS take into account the energy used to heat or cool air to 20 degrees? does the Latent Energy demnd of zone(humidificaion + dehumidification) displayed by TRNSYS take into account the energy used to humidify or dehumidify the air to 50%? 
Thank you for your time...